Author Archives: Miss McCarley

NQ Candidates – Folio Return

Congratulations to all NQ candidates on completion of their folios, these have now been sent to the SQA.  A few examples of the work created have been posted on our flickr page

We are now collecting money from candidates who would like their folios returned.  After all the time and effort that each pupil puts in to produce their folios, we strongly recommend that they pay the small fee of £6.00 to have their work to keep as a reminder of their achievements.  Those wishing to do so should bring their money in by the end of term.

S3 O-Pin Project

Our S3 pupils rose to the challenge  posed by the O-Pin Contemporary Jewellery project to take a material or object that they loved and make it into a piece of contemporary jewellery by attaching it to a pin.  We had some extremely creative use of materials, well done to all who took part.  Some  of the work created can be seen by clicking on the link below, more photos to follow shortly…

Find out more about the project here