Author Archives: Miss McCarley

Berlin 2013 – Thank You

Miss McCarley would like to say a huge thank you to all staff, pupils, parents and the work done by WST Travel for a fabulous trip to Berlin last week.  Your help in organising and ensuring that the trip went smoothly is very much appreciated.  We are in the process of putting together a photo collage of all the best bits that will shortly be on display in the school forum.  Now on to planning next years trip!

Berlin 2013

Our first full day in Berlin and it has been action packed!  We went on a city art tour, created our own spray paint painting, visited the Reichstag Dome, went through the Brandenburg Gate, stopped off to see the holocaust memorial, went up the TV tower and did a quick spot of shopping in Alexander Platz before dinner in Alte Der Fritz.  Take a look at some of the photographs of our day by clicking on the link below