Author Archives: Miss McCarley

Outstanding Achievements

Congratulations to the following Intermediate 1, 2 and Higher candidates who achieved full marks in the following areas of the Art & Design course.  We are absolutely delighted for all of you, well done!
S4 Expressive Folio
Katharine Blues
Katy Brady
Louise Broadley
Rowan Buchanan
Laura Goodwin
Iffat Mansha
Orla McGowan
Eilidh McKendrick
Sarah Rae
Jacqueline Tappin
S4 Design Folio
Louise Broadley
Katharine Blues
Orla McGowan
Katie McLaren
S4 Question Paper – Art & Design Studies
Eilidh Deeney
Aisha Hussain
S5 Expressive Folio
Keiran Muir
S6 Expressive Folio
Ciara Lawwell
S5 Question Paper – Art & Design Studies
Nicola Shaw
Emma O’Hare
Daneyah Kenbar
Louise Woods

Berlin 2013 – Evaluation

Could parents and pupils please complete a very short survey giving feedback on their experience of this years trip to Berlin.  Your feedback is very much appreciated and will help to shape next years experience for pupils and parents involved.  Thank you.

Parent Evaluation

Pupil Evaluation

Stain Glass Window

We are delighted to see the work of S2 pupils culminate in a fabulous stain glass window that has been designed and installed by stain glass artist Alec Galloway.  The window has been installed  in the school forum and is a great centre piece for this busy area of the school.  The pupils drawings explored the theme of ‘Creation’ and have been transferred onto the glass using a specialist screen printing technique.  We are all loving the results, well done S2!

Here are a few photographs of the window being installed.  We hope to have a celebration of the work involved in the new term, stay posted for details!

Glenwood Nursery Mural

Our S6 advanced higher pupils completed a community placement at Glenwood Nursery led by Miss Howard.  Pupils helped the nursery pupils and staff to put together a 3D relief mural based on the season.  The relief panels were put in place for the opening exhibition on  Thursday the 20th of June.  Also on display was all the work produced by the nursery pupils exploring the seasons through colour and texture.  A fantastic effort by all involved, well done.  Miss Howard’s photos can be viewed through the following link.