Ms McLeish introduced her 3D Design class to clay today, they produced some lovely 3D studies
Ms McLeish introduced her 3D Design class to clay today, they produced some lovely 3D studies
Ms Howard has posted photographs from Monday’s trip. The first years have thoroughly enjoyed their trip and have been complemented on their fantastic behaviour, well done!
Pupils of the Month
Class of the Month
Ms Kelly and Miss McCarley have posted a few of the pieces being produced by this year’s higher photography pupils.
Ms Kelly’s S2 class are nearing the end of their ‘Blue Period’, their modroc heads are nearly finished! Great work S2, we just love these!
S3 pupils have started their skills workshops. Miss McCarley’s class have been working with pen and mono print to create some great patterns that they will develop as part of their design folios.
Miss McCarley had two new members along to the Film and Animation Club today, they produced fantastic plasticine models that they will animate next week.
Second installment of £200 due for payment next Friday the 1st of November.
Miss Howard has awarded Pupil of the Month to Sarah, Matthew and Rory of 1J, well done!
Congratulations to 4G who have been awarded Miss Howard’s Class of the Month for the hard work that they have been putting into their expressive units. Great success, keep it up!