Mandarin Word Wizard Final 2015

Feedback from our winners of the Mandarin Word Wizard Final 2015 can be viewed below:

Erin Leahy (S2)

“I am so glad that I got the chance to represent the school in the Mandarin Word Wizard competition at the Scottish Parliament. It was a nervous wait, sitting through four other languages prior to the Mandarin Final, all of whom had set high standards. Then it came to my turn in the Mandarin Beginner Final. Thankfully my name was called first and I continued by setting the bar high with a target score that was not beaten. I really enjoyed the tour of the Parliament building as well as the whole experience”

Callum Holland (S3)

“It was a fantastic experience, and very nerve-wracking too! It expanded my knowledge of Mandarin and increased my confidence. I enjoyed it and I would definitely go back given the opportunity”

Hepsi Xavier (S3)

“The Word Wizard Final was a fantastic opportunity for me! I was so lucky to get through. I will always remember this day. I have to admit that I was nervous. Just a little bit! However, I am so glad that I got second place. Thank you so much for this great opportunity. This has really helped me to improve my Mandarin”