NNC Friday Bundle 29.01.20

Hi everyone,

We’ve had another fun and busy week in our nursery hub with staff hosting the daily Google Meets and recording videos for our children – we hope that your child is continuing to enjoy taking part and seeing their keyworkers on line while learning at home.  Please be assured that we understand what home life is like for everyone at the moment, the nursery staff are, just like you, trying to juggle work with being a parent, grandparent, wife, husband or carer whilst also supporting their own children’s school work and caring for the needs of their own wee ones too. So, please don’t let the Home Learning Ideas or Learning Links we share and suggest to you put any extra pressure on your family just now while we all try to keep our children happy and safe. Everyone’s circumstances are very different and we really do appreciate this fact. This time will pass so please just do what you can and try to enjoy having this extra time with your wee ones, read a story, go for a walk or play a game – this is all learning for your child and they will love doing this with you.

We are pleased to advise that the new online Early Learning and Childcare application process is now live for new three or four year old children on the East Renfrewshire Council website: https://www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/nursery-places  Allocations are for 2 years at a Local Authority setting therefore parents/carers of children who are currently in their ante-pre year and those who have deferred their child’s school place will not require to apply for the pre-school year.  Applications require to be submitted by 28 February 2021.  If you have any enquiries please direct them to earlylearningandchildcare@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk

We would like to remind you that Fri 5th Feb is an In-Service Day and Mon 8th and Tues 9th Feb are holidays and we won’t have any Google Meets or provide any Home Learning Ideas for these days.

Please get in touch if you need anything at all or if you would just like a friendly chat!  J

Have a lovely weekend with your family everyone.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)


Friday Bundle 29.01.21

Hello again everyone,

We’ve had another fun and busy week both in our school hub and also continuing to provide learning at home.  Please do say “hi” to all of our wonderful children from myself and all the staff, we are missing them so much in school but we are thoroughly enjoying seeing them on their live meets with their teachers or on the live assemblies with the leadership team.  Please remind them often, from us, that they are doing really well with learning at home and, when the time is right, the doors to the Netherlee classrooms will be wide open again for them – we can’t wait!

We are really excited to be recognising that it is “Languages Week, Scotland” next week. This year’s theme is ‘Celebrating Scotland’s Languages Landscape’ with the aim of amplifying the voices of Scotland’s people and celebrating multilingualism within our Scottish communities. Our children will have a range of fun and interesting activities to choose from to hone their language skills and also to share languages from home.  We would love to be able to celebrate what you are doing throughout the week too so please feel free to share anything on our Netherlee Twitter @sand_nc and please also use the hashtag #scotlandloveslanguages .

We are currently arranging our next round of live “Drop In” sessions for parents and I will share the dates and timings of these with you next week.  Meanwhile, please continue to get in touch to provide ongoing feedback, suggestions or comments in relation to any aspect of learning or your child in general – whether it be with learning at home or in our hub.  Your comments are very helpful to us and these help us to reflect and tweak things, where we can, as we go along.

I am really pleased that many of you have been in touch to request jotters and other bits and pieces of resources.  Please continue to do this, we have everything here in school – so just pop us a quick email and my wonderful office staff will get in touch to help gather the items your child needs.   Please also keep the jotters that your children are using at home, the teachers will most definitely want and need these as a useful assessment tool once our children are back in school.

Just a wee reminder that Fri 5th Feb is an In-Service Day and Mon 8th and Tues 9th Feb are, I’m sure you will agree, much needed holidays and we will therefore welcome all children back on line to continue home learning on Wednesday 10th February.

Please also remember that you are not alone – please reach out if you or your child needs to – we are here and ready to help or even just to listen and have a friendly chat.

Warmest wishes,

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher

Friday Bundle 29.01.21

Hello again everyone,

We’ve had another fun and busy week both in our school hub and also continuing to provide learning at home.  Please do say “hi” to all of our wonderful children from myself and all the staff, we are missing them so much in school but we are thoroughly enjoying seeing them on their live meets with their teachers or on the live assemblies with the leadership team.  Please remind them often, from us, that they are doing really well with learning at home and, when the time is right, the doors to the Netherlee classrooms will be wide open again for them – we can’t wait!

We are really excited to be recognising that it is “Languages Week, Scotland” next week. This year’s theme is ‘Celebrating Scotland’s Languages Landscape’ with the aim of amplifying the voices of Scotland’s people and celebrating multilingualism within our Scottish communities. Our children will have a range of fun and interesting activities to choose from to hone their language skills and also to share languages from home.  We would love to be able to celebrate what you are doing throughout the week too so please feel free to share anything on our Netherlee Twitter @sand_nc and please also use the hashtag #scotlandloveslanguages .

We are currently arranging our next round of live “Drop In” sessions for parents and I will share the dates and timings of these with you next week.  Meanwhile, please continue to get in touch to provide ongoing feedback, suggestions or comments in relation to any aspect of learning or your child in general – whether it be with learning at home or in our hub.  Your comments are very helpful to us and these help us to reflect and tweak things, where we can, as we go along.

I am really pleased that many of you have been in touch to request jotters and other bits and pieces of resources.  Please continue to do this, we have everything here in school – so just pop us a quick email and my wonderful office staff will get in touch to help gather the items your child needs.   Please also keep the jotters that your children are using at home, the teachers will most definitely want and need these as a useful assessment tool once our children are back in school.

Warmest wishes,

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson