Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fairtrade Tuck Shop – Tuesday to Thursday

As it’s ECO week, Mrs Donnelly has organising a Fairtrade Tuck shop to take place in the playground at lunchtime on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Pocket money toys and chocolate for sale, prices range from 40p-£3 and include;


Description Price
divine 40g choc milk £0.80
divine 40g choc orange £0.80
divine 40g choc white £0.80
divine 40g choc caramel £0.80
Animal friend pencil toppers £1.50
Balancing Dragon flies £1.00
Balancing Dragon flies large £2.00
beaded bracelets £1.00
Beaded rings £0.50
beaded necklaces £1.50
Comfort Rwanda ele/giraffe/doll £3.00
Cow Pursees £1.00
duck callers £1.00
finger puppets £1.50
Felt Flower Purse £2.00
Friendship Bracelets £0.75
Frog plaque £2.00
Gecko Fridge Magnet £1.00
Glass rings £1.00
Leather heart/flower purse £2.00
owl magnets £1.50
owl magnets – flat £2.00
recycled car tyre purses £1.00
Sparkly bangles £0.40
Sparkly Boxes £1.00
Sparkly Pens £1.50
Twig Pencils £2.50

P4/P5 Street Dance

P4/P5 ERC Streetdance

 ERC Streetdance will resume in April for the final term before the summer holidays. I am looking for an expression of interest for spaces in this club.

The club will take place on a Monday from 3pm to 4pm in the PE Hall, commencing Monday, 27 April at a cost of £20. If your child is interested in taking part, please complete and return the attached slip by Wednesday, 25 March.

 Demand for a place in Streetdance may be greater than spaces available. A letter will be sent home confirming whether your child has/has not been successful in gaining a place. Please do not make any payment at this stage.

Yours sincerely


Stephanie Provan

Acting Principal Teacher




Mearns Primary School


ERC P4/P5 Streetdance (April – June 2015)



Name …………………………………………………………………………


Class ……………………………….


My child would be interested in attending the P4/P5 Streetdance.



Signed ……………………………………………………..




Extra Curricular Activities

Week commencing Monday, 16 March to Friday, 20 March 2015 will be the last week this term for extra curricular activities. The exceptions to this will be:

Senior Choir – will continue as per the rehearsal schedule issued to choir members.

P6-P7 Bollywood Dance – will finish on Monday, 23 March

Yearbook Club – will finish on Monday, 23 March

Netball Club – will finish on Tuesday, 24 March

Spanish Club – will finish on Wednesday, 25 March

Scripture Union – will finish on Wednesday, 25 March

P4 Singing Club – will finish on Wednesday, 25 MarchDetails regarding clubs will also be posted on our school website as undernoted, or click on our link and keep up to date with school events on twitter.


Solar Eclipse

Thanks to our Science Champion, Mr Tyler, for organising events.

On Friday 20 March 2015, the whole of the UK will be treated to an almost total eclipse of the Sun. These are quite rare, and this one will be a major event. In the morning, the Moon will pass right in front of the Sun, blotting out up to 95% of its disc and making the Sun look like a crescent instead of a disc.

First contact is at about 8:30 and ‘totality’ (this will be about 95% in Glasgow) is at around 9:34, with the eclipse lasting till about 10:30.

We are intending to go outside as a class and watch the eclipse on Friday morning (weather permitting) however, it is extremely dangerous to just go out and look up. The Sun is so bright that just looking at it can cause permanent blindness, so we’ll be preparing properly beforehand.

We are going to make pin-hole viewers to allow us to view the eclipse safely and if any pupils have certified solar viewing glasses (not sunglasses) they are welcome to bring them in as well.

A leaflet “How to observe an eclipse safely” is available from the Royal Astronomical Society using the link below:-

Further information can also be found at:-

If you do not wish your child to take part in this activity please notify your child’s class teacher in writing.