All posts by Miss Cumming

Competition Time – Calling all budding illustrators

Thumble Tumble’s Budding Illustrator

If you love creative drawing, this is the competition for you!

What to do:

Make a creative picture of Rhino, the Spike Back Giant from Thumble Tumble and the Ollpheist. Use your imagination and make him wonderfully unique and unusual.

Please put your name, age and school on the back of your picture.

The drawing should be no bigger than A3 and can be drawn/painted using pencil, pens, crayons or paint.

The Prize!

The winning entrant will have their drawing reproduced as a colour illustration to be included in a limited edition of ‘Thumble Tumble and the Ollpheist’.

Six runners-up will each receive a £25 voucher.

 Please hand your entry to Mrs Kennedy by Monday 21st December.

Official Panto Merchandise

Primary 6.22 will be selling 12 page Pantomime programmes before and during the performances on Thursday. Price £1.

Primary 6.23 will also be selling  ‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’ bags for life. Price £2.50.

 Pupils from 6.22 will also be selling programmes to all other classes before the dress rehearsal on Wednesday. Please bring £1 if you would like to buy a programme.

 Also, Pantomime DVDs can still be ordered by completing the forms sent home. Additional order forms will be available at the Pantomime.
Please click on the link below to download an order form.
P6/ P7 Panto DVD order form



Autism Strategy Consultation

In November 2011, the Scottish Government launched a national Autism Strategy for Scotland and set out the national vision for Autism services. The core principles of which are that individuals with an ASD are respected, accepted and valued by their communities and have confidence in services to treat them fairly so that they are able to lead meaningful and satisfying lives. East Renfrewshire Council are seeking to understand the needs of people with an ASD and their carers, with the view to developing a local strategy which responds to those needs.

Online Survey

Bookbug Primary 1 Bag Surveys – prizes on offer!

We would really like your help in gathering feedback about this year’s Primary 1 Family Bags. Scottish Booktrust have compiled two surveys, one for Teachers and another for Parents.  I’d really appreciate it if your P1 teachers could take the time to complete the survey and if they can – promote it to parents. There are bundles of books to be won on both surveys. The deadline is Friday 18th December.


The links for the surveys are as follows:


For Teachers

For Parents

Thanks so much for your help,

Elissa Wilson

Library Development Officer, Children and Young People

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Limited

Phone: 0141 577 3505


Recommended iPad Apps

We are looking for parents and pupils to recommend iPads apps which support with learning.  Please Tweet us your recommendations  @Mearns_Primary.

The link below provides you with apps already provided by some of our Parents/ Carers.  Thanks to those of you who have already suggested apps.

iPad Apps

Extra Curricular Clubs

Week commencing Monday, 1 December to Friday, 4 December 2015 will be the last week this term for most of our extra-curricular activities.  ER Sports Clubs have already finished as their coaching sessions started earlier in the term.  The exceptions to clubs finishing this week are:

Senior Choir – will continue as per the rehearsal schedule issued to Choir members.

P6-P7 Panto Club – will continue as per the rehearsal schedule issued to Panto Club members.

Craft Club – will finish on Monday, 7 December

Science Club – will finish on Monday, 14 December

Scripture Union – will finish on Tuesday, 8 December

P5 German Club – will finish on Tuesday, 15 December

P4 Singing Club – will finish on Wednesday, 16 December

P3 Singing Club – will finish on Thursday, 10 December

Details regarding clubs will also be posted on our school website as undernoted, or click on our link and keep up to date with school events on twitter.



Yours sincerely

Angela O’Connor, Principal Teacher