This year the Pupil Council has chosen to support East Renfrewshire Good Causes as our local charity. East Renfrewshire Good Causes (ERGC) was set up by Russell Macmillan, a registered blind man, who wished to say ‘thank you’ after his life was saved by the double transplant he received through the NHS in 2007.
All of the money donated to ERGC remains in East Renfrewshire to help local causes and individuals of all ages. ERGC has also funded projects to assist members of our school community.
To raise funds for ERGC the Pupil Council have voted to hold a ‘Dress as you Please’ day on Friday 6th November 2015. On this day pupils can wear what they choose to school and bring a donation. Russell Macmillan will be coming to our assemblies on Wednesday 4th November to talk to the pupils about his work and you can also find out more about ERGC on the website
We are looking forward to supporting such a worthwhile charity.
Thank you for your support.
Cameron and Haaris
Primary 7 Pupil Council Representatives
Please click on the link for further information East Renfrewshire Good Causes