Life Savers in P2! HEARTSTART

We have been learning what to do

in emergency situations,

who to ask for help

and what we can do to save lives.


SDC11903Finlay  and Katie from P5 demonstrated what to say and do if someone is unconscious. SDC11906Emma and Niamh from P5 showed us how to put someone in the recovery position.
SDC11910Call 999 for an emergency. SDC11908Sarah and Kenzie worked in a pair to practise putting a person into the recovery position.
SDC11909Lucy checked for danger before approaching Oliver to offer her help. SDC11907Sarah shouted for help. She gently shaked the casualty to check if he was conscious. Next she checked for signs of normal breathing.
SDC11904Finlay gave very clear instructions on the steps to follow.

P5 and P2 worked together to share learning and possibly save a life one day. A most important lesson!

Sports Development

We have been trying new sports.

Yoga, Judo, Bollywood Dance.

SDC11843The warm up stages…

Fraser prepares for defence.
SDC11844Zaid manages to keep the teacher in a hold! SDC11848Lucy demonstrates her balance and strength.
SDC11928Listening for instructions.

Learning some new dance moves.
SDC11929Adding another action to the sequence. SDC11930Let’s put it together now!

Community Links…Local Area Learning

We visited a local farm to learn more
about what land is used for in our area.
We developed our knowledge of how
to care for animals and where food
comes from.

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Achievements in P2

We have been using our ICT skills to record some of our achievements from P2.  We used Microsoft Office to open a Word document.  Then we typed sentences. Next we inserted images from clip art to illustrate our sentences.  Finally we saved our files.

We discussed all the knowledge and skills we have been learning and practising this year.  We wrote ‘I can’ sentences as part of our ‘Growth Mindset’ activities.  We set new learning targets.

Click on the names below to take a look at our fantastic achievement records…


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To the moon and back … at the Glasgow Science Centre!

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SDC11901Liam recording his learning back in the classroom. ” I know DNA because I have heard it before”. Top Right Text Here
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Working Together To Get The Job Done!

Primary 2 are learning to make choices to further develop our own skills.  We choose from a range of learning opportunities.  Sometimes we work in pairs, in groups or with an adult. We all take responsibility for keeping our classroom and resources tidy.


SDC11750“You can choose things to do. You can learn different things and have fun.” Olivia Mason SDC11751“It helps you if you are stuck at a word. It means that you can write on your own”. Arlos Barsanti
SDC11725” I am learning to recycle litter and sharing my invention with Primary 1″ Jamie McFarlane

When I Grow Up……..

Primary 2 are finding about different careers. Mr Connell came to visit us and explain the skills needed to be fire fighter.

Mrs Brown is an osteopath. She told us how she helps people with back pain. She told us that her family all work together as osteopaths.

Look at our fantastic Word documents with our future careers!

Siona Sircar

Blair Mann

Sophia Barclay

SDC11730This is the spine. SDC11738Structure (Fraser)and function (Arlo) have to work together to keep our spine healthy.
SDC11729The vertebrae all fit together. SDC11733Joseph has his reflexes checked.
SDC11697Mr Connell told us about fire safety. SDC11698” I took this photo of Skye wearing the uniform” Sarah Sneddon ” I can use the camera”.
SDC11694“The fire fighter’s hose is heavy.I want to be a policeman when I grow up”Logan Hart SDC11684” I learned how to put out a fire. You can use water, foam and sand. I have a firman’s helmet at home. I wore it in the Christmas play.”
SDC11704” It was kind of hard to see through it. It protects their faces.” Blair Mann SDC11686
SDC11683” I was holding the hose to see hoe heavy it was. It  would be heavier with the water in it. You have to be strong to be a firefighter. I want to be one when I grow up.” Finlay Macdonald SDC11693” I was trying on the smoke mask. It helps them breathe in smoky areas. It was a bit heavy. It must be even heavier because that was only the model. The fire fighters have  about 5kgs to carry”. Blair Mann

Eaglesham Science Centre

SDC11728” I was teaching P1 about my product”. Thalia Stewart SDC11726” I am showing P1 my invention”. Oliver Rissmann
SDC11724Jamie explaining how his robot recycles rubbish. SDC11727” I was showing my cousin my invention. She was asking questions and I was answering them. Robo Bird collects rubbish from the ground and puts it in the bin by pooping it out!” Finlay Macdonald
SDC11722The Science Centre – Learning across stages! SDC11675” I was practising inventions” Olivia Mason
SDC11677Lucy McAllister “I was explaining what it says on the poster and what my invention does”. SDC11674“I was practising how to talk about my invention.” Sarah McKenzie
SDC11644“My invention took ten minutes to make. It picks up litter and munches it up and makes it into LEGO!” Oliver Rissmann SDC11650Robo Bird
SDC11640Siona Sircar” My invention helps the environment”. SDC11642” My invention recycles food waste into new food for poor people” Millie Taggart
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