Category Archives: Listening & Talking

When I Grow Up……..

Primary 2 are finding about different careers. Mr Connell came to visit us and explain the skills needed to be fire fighter.

Mrs Brown is an osteopath. She told us how she helps people with back pain. She told us that her family all work together as osteopaths.

Look at our fantastic Word documents with our future careers!

Siona Sircar

Blair Mann

Sophia Barclay

SDC11730This is the spine. SDC11738Structure (Fraser)and function (Arlo) have to work together to keep our spine healthy.
SDC11729The vertebrae all fit together. SDC11733Joseph has his reflexes checked.
SDC11697Mr Connell told us about fire safety. SDC11698” I took this photo of Skye wearing the uniform” Sarah Sneddon ” I can use the camera”.
SDC11694“The fire fighter’s hose is heavy.I want to be a policeman when I grow up”Logan Hart SDC11684” I learned how to put out a fire. You can use water, foam and sand. I have a firman’s helmet at home. I wore it in the Christmas play.”
SDC11704” It was kind of hard to see through it. It protects their faces.” Blair Mann SDC11686
SDC11683” I was holding the hose to see hoe heavy it was. It  would be heavier with the water in it. You have to be strong to be a firefighter. I want to be one when I grow up.” Finlay Macdonald SDC11693” I was trying on the smoke mask. It helps them breathe in smoky areas. It was a bit heavy. It must be even heavier because that was only the model. The fire fighters have  about 5kgs to carry”. Blair Mann

Eaglesham Science Centre

SDC11728” I was teaching P1 about my product”. Thalia Stewart SDC11726” I am showing P1 my invention”. Oliver Rissmann
SDC11724Jamie explaining how his robot recycles rubbish. SDC11727” I was showing my cousin my invention. She was asking questions and I was answering them. Robo Bird collects rubbish from the ground and puts it in the bin by pooping it out!” Finlay Macdonald
SDC11722The Science Centre – Learning across stages! SDC11675” I was practising inventions” Olivia Mason
SDC11677Lucy McAllister “I was explaining what it says on the poster and what my invention does”. SDC11674“I was practising how to talk about my invention.” Sarah McKenzie
SDC11644“My invention took ten minutes to make. It picks up litter and munches it up and makes it into LEGO!” Oliver Rissmann SDC11650Robo Bird
SDC11640Siona Sircar” My invention helps the environment”. SDC11642” My invention recycles food waste into new food for poor people” Millie Taggart

Innovative Inventors in Primary 2

SDC11620SDC11618Arlo Barsanti ” This is Roger the Rubbish Robot but he is not really rubbish!  The rubbish is sucked up the arms……………………. SDC11622Thalia Stewart ” This is a Bird and Bees B and B.   The solar panels catch the energy from the sun and warm up the earth so that worms and flowers can live. Then the birds and bees will have food to eat.  That is how it helps the environment”
SDC11610” I made a model and a poster” Daisy McLean SDC11611Daisy McLean ” It is called the Clean Clean Machine.  It sucks the bad and makes flowers………
SDC11625Sarah Sneddon ” I made a pollution Pump.  It takes polluted air and turns it into cheap electricity.  I helps the environment and poor people.” SDC11626“My machine recycles paper, plastic and glass and turns it into seeds for the birds.” Blair Mann
SDC11628Jamie McFarlane “This is Muncher the Environment Friendly Robot. He is solar powered and recycles bad air to make clean air. He recycles.” SDC11630Olivia Andrews “This is The Marvellous Bin. It sucks up the things and I was going to make a remote control too. It means you only need one bin and it helps the environment.”
SDC11631Ben Casey” This is Ben’s Bag for Life. I made it with an old top.  It has handles. I decorated it with bottle tops.  It helps the environment because you don’t have plastic bags.” SDC11634James Malcolm-Blyth “The Litter Fighting Machine goes round the streets picking up litter and switching off lights.  I made a model and a poster.”
SDC11635“The Tap Timer. Why not get one for your home? It helps the environment because it stops you wasting water.  You can turn it from 1 up to 5 and it stops the tap from running.” Lucy McAllister


SDC11638Sophia Barclay “I made a solar powered litter collector.  The balloons help it float. The water gets sucked up the pipe and the litter gets trapped.  I was going to make a remote control like Olivia’s to make it come back to be emptied.  It helps the environment because it helps the rivers, seas and oceans.”
SDC11515 SDC11653
SDC11650 SDC11644

World Book Day 2016


“I like Matilda because on her first day she is really shy and cute”.


SDC11560Siona” I was dressd as Elsa. This is my favourite book. My dress lights up”
SDC11555Daisy McLean” I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz” SDC11554Joseph” I like Jumblebum because my bedroom is as untidy as Johny’s”.
SDC11553Thalia” My favourite book is Cat in a Hat” and there is some other different stories”. SDC11552Kenzie” It is my favourite book because he has powers.”


SDC11551Logan” I am a fierce pirate. I like pirate stories.” SDC11550Sarah Sneddon ” I was dressed as a clone trooper from Star Wars”
SDC11549Sarah McKenzie” I am from Alice in Wonderland” SDC11548Jamie”I like it because I have the toys.”
SDC11547Lucy “I lost the book about minions” SDC11546Olivia “Fantastic Mr Fox is a favourite book of mine and my dads”.
SDC11545Blair “I like it because he is a wizard and can do spells and stuff. My mum helped me read the book” SDC11544James Malcolm -Blyth as ‘Sir James the Knight’.Finlay

Finlay ” I like Dennis the Menace because he plays pranks with his dog and he is rude to Walter. I played pranks on the teachers”
SDC11542Jessica ” 101 Dalmations is my favourite book because I like the puppies and I like Cruella Deville”
SDC11541Mia”I like the characters in this book”. SDC11540Sienna” I am Matilda. Mrs Buchanan was Miss Trunchbull.”
SDC11539Marci” I made my costume.  I read the book with my mum”. SDC11538Ben dressed as a soldier.
SDC11537Arlo” Dennis  pranks Angelface and Walter”. SDC11536Sophia” I like the book because  my Gan bought it and it is a memory and all the books are my favourite”
SDC11535Olivia “Snowwhite is my favourite because she is a princess” SDC11534Cara “I like Wally because they are big books and they are fun!”
SDC11533Fraser ” My character is evil” SDC11532” We loved World Book Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Wild About Animals!

SDC11498We had a visit from Andy from SSPCA. ” We were learning about wild animals. 03000 999 999 is the number you call if an animal needs help”. Sarah McKenzie  & Mia Lafferty SDC11497“I was asking a question about the owl’s wings”. Logan Hart
SDC11499 “I got a question right for the boys team”.Fraser Tweedlie SDC11500“I won a card in  the quiz. I used the clues to work out that it was a red squirrel”. Marci Burt

Innovative Inventors Challenge

Primary 2 have been learning about important inventions and how they affect people and the environment.

We have been listening and watching for useful information.  We have taken notes and made books for the class library about John Logie Baird and Alexander Graham Bell.  We will be researching more inventors and their inventions………….

We have planned a trip to the Science Centre in April.

Primary 2 have accepted a challenge to invent something that will help fix an environmental problem.  All designs, presentations and patents are due on 10th March………………………………..

Fair Trade Big Breakfast

Primary 2 have been very busy organising a Fair Trade Café, writing letters to local businesses, sending out invitations to our Big Breakfast and creating Fair Trade pieces of art.

We would like to say a huge “Thank You” to our community business partners for donating so generously to our  Big Fair Trade Breakfast. Thanks to Coop (Clarkston), Scotmid (Eaglesham & Mearns), Morrisons(Giffnock), Tesco(Silverburn) and Eaglesham Bakers! Special thanks to our very own star baker, Mrs Parker, who baked delicious Fair Trade cakes! Thanks to all the staff who helped to serve  our guests.

SDC11568Mrs Howard and Mrs Wight promoting Fair Trade! SDC11584Oliver” I was telling my family about Fair Trade”.
SDC11581Bottom Left Text HereTh

“I was getting Fair Trade cake. I enjoyed the breakfast and cake.” Thalia
SDC11574” Iwas learning to make orange juice and don’t get it in your eye because it stings!” Olivia Mason SDC11571” That was our Fair Trade wall” Mia Lafferty
SDC11572” We made a Fair Trade lady out of wrappers”. Siona and Mia SDC11570” I was telling my dad about Fair Trade.”
Fair Trade Tea Towelby Olivia Andrews Fair Trade Tea Towel 4by James Malcolm-Blyth
Fair Trade Tea Towel 3by Blair Mann Fair Trade Tea Towel 2by Sophia Barclay

We have been learning about where food comes from and why Fair Trade is so important.


We learned about the oranges from Brazil and how they make orange juice. Sarah McKenzie

Working collaboratively
“We learned about bananas from Columbia” Cara

Sequencing the Orange Juice story
” We learned the kids make cocoa for the shops but they don’t get enough money!” Arlo BarsantiSDC11512  “So buy Fair Trade!” P2.1SDC11514

Renewable Energy

We are learning about different fuels and how they are used.

We invited an engineer from the local wind farm to teach us about wind turbines.  We listened and watched for useful information.  We wrote notes and asked questions.




SDC11444“Mr. Chand told us that electricity is all around us. We were learning about windfarms” Ben Casey

We got a torch and a piggy bank and a mug.
SDC11418“We were making notes. We were listening for information.” Jamie McFarlane SDC11450“We learned about wind turbines and how long they are and what they are made of”. Siona Sircar