Tag Archives: visit

Meeting with Sophie

Oh I do like a good afternoon out and a trip to see a lovely author at another school sounds just the ticket!

So, off went our merry band to Williamwood High ( thanks to Mrs. Adams for hosting the whole thing) to meet with the brilliant author Sophie MCKenzie.

Over 200 pupils were entertained by our thrilling speaker; especially when she read a nerver wrecking chapter from her new book Split Second ( if you want to know more about this book pop into the library as I have some leaflets with a great competition all about her new novel). In fact the day we met with Sophie was the first day the book had come out so those lucky enought to grab a copy and get it signed were some of the first in the whole country to do so.

So, whether you are a fan of Girl Missing or just want a great read why not pop into the library and check out her other books.

Many thanks to Sophie for sharing the afternoon with us AND for her great story all about the gorrilla. Also many thanks to Miss Higggins from the English department for coming along and my great pupils who were a pleasure to travel with (except for the wasp and s/he it didn’t have a blazer!).