Tag Archives: success

Our Award won an Award

Who?Yes this may be the oddest headline you will see all week.
As you may know Saint Ninian’s took part in an official Guinness World Record attempt at having the most numbers of people writing the same story at the same time. Our attempt was successful and I have the certificate in the library to prove it- come and see it!
Weeeeeelll, our lovely co-ordinater Barbara Band of the School Librarian’s Network thought why not put this achievement up for an award itself?

CILIP – (the library association to mere mortals)has an award each year for the best promotion of our proffession and the GWR attempt won a Bronze Award!.

So that explains the headline.
Perhaps I should get it to sit a Higher next year… hmmm?

Double well done to all those pupils and staff who supported the event and me for co-ordinating the Saint. Ninian’s effort.