Tag Archives: Sherlock

Elementary reading

Ever wondered what the wimpy kid was like as a baby or Katniss Everdeen got to be so pushy? Well in the Andrew Lane Young Sherlock series we get to explore the origins of one of the world’s best loved fictional characters.

The game is afoot

In this tale; the first of many, Sherlock begins his life-long obsession with logic, crime and bees. We meet the distant but super smart Mycroft Holmes as well as a very brief sneaky peek into the lives of his mother and father and sister! And it is to a Holmes home that Sherlock is sent for the summer – not his parent’s but his aunt and uncle.

Where dastardly deeds are afoot and Sherlock with a motley crew of friends – remember he does not meet Watson till much later- aims to solve the puzzle of the Death Cloud.

This is a proper Sherlockian adventure that anyone could enjoy but with some lovely little touches that true Sherlock fans will love spotting.

A great read for boys and girls and the first book I have ever read on a Kindle – though paper copies are available from the library as well.