Tag Archives: powerpoint

Civil Rights Sources-from fiction to movies & graphic novels to songs

civil rights reading

Feel free to use the powerpoint to read around your Civil Rights topic.

Do you have any books your think I should add in?

What movies might you include?

What song did you find the most inspiring?

Let me know and I can add in your ideas.

Take care, Mrs Baird

The End of Boring Powerpoints

It is no secret that one of my pet hates is bad power point presentations and to be honest most power point presentations are bad.

Part of the problem is I can not understand why people are not just that little bit more creative. Sure they are quick and easy but are the memorable and effective.

So, you all cry what should we be using – why Prezzi I reply.

My Web site of the week isĀ 


Once you get the hand of this software you will never look back – it is fun and free and funky!

Please try it out and put an end to the snorefest that can be power points.

One slight little warning – may cause sea-sickness! Try it and find out why.