Tag Archives: patrick ness

#readyourAtoZ more brilliant reviews

What if you were not the chosen one?

How boring are you? Are you hero, a villain, a creature of the night? Or just the person who cleverly decides to hide in their basement when the zombies, vampires and werewolves come? Then meet Mikey, a young boy who, just like you, wants to live long enough to graduate high school. Cause while some people fight monsters and demons others fight acne and social awkwardness. In Patrick Ness’ new book The Rest of Us Just Live Here we follow not the hero’s but the spectators, dealing with serious issues that face today’s teenagers while incorporating humour into the situation. This is an incredible book that has you laughing from start to finish.

The books are way better than the movies and the movies are brilliant!

Ever wondered why Kronos ate his kids? Why Zeus and Hera got married? Or how Hades got to rule the Underworld? Well the answers to these and many more of your Greek mythological questions are here in this (one of a kind) book all about the Olympians from their rise to their almost falls. Rick Riordan’s book Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods is an epic spin off from his famous Percy Jackson series. In this book Percy Jackson himself goes through the Greek gods and some of the myths and legends surrounding them, clearing up many idiosyncrasies, in a humorous and interesting way that is sure to catch the reader’s attention.

thanks to Toni in S6 for these great reviews