Tag Archives: MCHS

The day the “Master” came to ER


Be afraid, be very afraid. There is something very wrong with some of the seniors at MCHS.
It seems that the arrival of horror writer Darren Shan has somehow infected them.
Lucky for us we were right up the back of the theatre but in plain sight of the man himself who read to us from the first three of his Zom-B trilogy.

It is not for the fainty hearted – one first glance they are blood thirty, gorefests but as Darren explained he uses horror as a tool to tell another story and in this case one about rascism and standing up for yourself.

yeah you

After an hour of yucktastic details and mind-mushing questions and answers Darren signed every single book, poster and postcard. Not just a squiggle and a cheerio but a comment or a quote for EVERYONE. The poor man was due to leave the school at 2.50 but stayed on for another HOUR to make sure all the books he was given were signed and a sentence or two of inspiration were inscribed.

The afternoon was a great success and many, many thansk to our horrible hosts – MCHS especially the librarian Ms McEachern who must have had nightmares organising the event, Waterstones for making it happen, my great pupils who loved it all and finally to Darren Shan for his time and effort and inspiration (and especially writing such nice things in a book for a pupil off ill at the moment – a sweetie who can write horror!).