Tag Archives: giamuncous


If you Google (other search engines are available!) the word Giamuncous the only entries are for St.Ninian’s High school library. And, why might that be I may hear you say? It’s because I made it up. Why would you need to make up a word when there are some prefectly good ones out there – like aardvark or serendipity? Beacuse, dear readers there was no word big enough, brash enough and bold enough to match the amazing, wonder that is the ANNUAL GUAMUNCOUS S1 QUIZ.

if you are currently in S1 get your thinking caps ready for Wednesday the 17th December for that day shall be known as Giamuncous Quiz day.
Where class is pitted against class and teacher agaist teacher to grab the cown of knowledge.
run to the libray and get your questions run back to class and work out the answers ( no Googling its for wimps and will waste your time) run back to the library and repeat a few times more till, exausted with the sweat of knowledge and a heart rate faster than any Mr Fuchs can get you to for the bleep test, you collapse in your classroom to await the e-mail.
Will it say well done or will it say better luck next year.. except this quiz is for S1 only and there is no next year!

As Gore Vidal once said – It is not enough to win, others must fail!

Good luck and enjoy!