Tag Archives: bingo

We are Readers

Massive congratulations to the amazing 45 S2 pupils who completed their summer reading bingo challenge.
Every single one read 8 books over the summer – how many did you manage? – even I could only squeeze in 7 ( I have an excuse I don’t get the summer hols).
All were invited to a celebration of their achievements in the lecture theatre.
Thanks to Mrs Lafferty; Head of English and Ms Cox Head of Support for Learning for coming along and echoing how proud we all are of these young people.

Special congratulations go to our overall winners pictured below.

I hope you enjoy the certificates, sweeties and the special limited edition bookmark featuring the school ( woo and hoo) and most of all I hope you continue with your reading – it’s life changing, I know!

Hopefully we will be able to run the scheme next summer and include both S1 and S2!

Amazing readers






