Category Archives: Welcome

Going for the Double – This time a Green Guinness world record

On Christmas morning will you open your 4th copy of the New Diary of a Wimpy Kid? or the 3rd version of some Home Baking show recipe book? Do not despair! The Cli-fi group is at hand to help solve your woes.

Keep a hold of any unwanted ( but good condition) books, both fiction and non fiction and bring them in to school for our “extra special” green GWR day.

On Friday 5th Feb at lunchtime we will be hosting as big a book swap as we possibly can in aid of –

1/ saving the world, and
2/ get ANOTHER Guinness world record

Did you know that on average it take 1Kge of carbon to produce a book.

If you swap your book for another you will help save the environment 2Kge and get yourself a brilliant new something to read and be apart of a Guinness world record attempt – how cool is that?

So bring along as many books as you would like to swap and take part in a fantastic swaptastic guinnesstastic event!

Paired Reading meets Santa

Over the past few months St.Ninian’s paired reading scheme has been going from strength to strength. Over 40 pupils were selected from S1 to need some additional support with their reading and our amazing S6 pupils stepped up to support them.

With some extra training and moral support from me the S6 pupils were matched with a buddy each and every Tuesday without fail they have met and rad and discussed their books. I am very impressed with the committment of our seniors when so many demands are made on their time that they have continued with this programme and have made great efforts to support their reading buddy.
Staff and students from both S1 and S6 have commented on the success of the scheme.

I wanted to celebrate this success and spoke with the HT about securing some funds to purchase books for the scheme. It might sound odd that a librarian is keen to have pupils with their own books rather than borrowing them from the library but many studies ahve shown that immersion in a book rich environment works wonders with readers especially those who lack the confidence of some of their classmates.
Thanks to the generosity of Mr Docherty and to the canny nature of my buying prowess I was able to purchase 2 books per pupil.
Knowing my fantastic skill with the ribbon and glitter I hosted a merry little afternoon where the S6 pupils were invited to come in , listen to Christmas tunes,have a sweetie, pick two books from the selection that would suite their buddy ( hand picked book ARE THE BEST!) and most importantly wrap them themselves. The S6 pupils then personalised a Christmas card and the scene was set.

S1 pupils were invited to the forum as a group to, what they thought, was a wee chat about the scheme. Little did they know the S6 buddies were there to surprise them with their presents. To say that this was one of my highlights of 20 years of working at St.Ninian’s as librarian was an understatement; staff students young and younger were all moved by the event as the pictures show.

All I have to think about now is – how do we top it for next year.

This event shows just how committed St.Ninian’s is to reading and to it’s pupils – long may it continue!

Edinburgh and Cli-fi

A merry band of S2 pupils and the lovely Ms Beaton from English joined me on a trip to the Edinburgh International Book festival.
never one to miss an opportunity to reduce our carbon emissions we invited along our mirror class from Woodfarm to hop on our bus and come along as well.

Our trip was to see us meet up with two brilliant clifi authors – Kate Kelly, marine biologist and aothor of the clifi novel Red Rock, and Sarah Crosson Carnegie short-lister and author of the environmental novel Breathe.

Kate and Sarah both read us little nuggets from their books and told us about their inspirations for their books and thoughts on the environment.

The tagline for our project in East Renfrewshire is “Can books save the world?” After hearing the two authors I think we might have a tiny glimmer of hope.

Pupils then has the chance to ask the authors some questions and then the hour was over!
We assembled more neatly than the Avengers in the book signing tent where Kate and Sarah took the time to speak with our pupils on a one-to-one basis and sign books galore.

It was a great event and certainly gave us all a little more to think about as we move on in our project.

Lari Don-Mindblinding author event

A huge thanks to all the pupils who took part in the three Lari Don events yesterday.
From breaking the rules of writing to bungee jumpee from volcanoes one thing you cannot say was that reading and writing is boring.

The biggest thanks of all must go to the amazing Lari who came all the way from sunny Edinburgh to spend an afternoon inspiring and encouraging us all.

Even though she is now furiously preparing for the big launch of MindBlind on Friday she still cares about us and has left a bundle of goodies for pupils.

To be able to get your hands on a goody for yourself all you have to do is fill in a quick questionnaire about the event.

Let us know!

Please note: Only those who attended one of the three events are able to take part at this time.

Great web site

Are you on information overload?
Too much for your tiny little head to handle?
I recommend you take a few minutes to look at LiveBinder

This is a great site where you can keep all your online information in the same place – web sites, youtube videos, pdfs you name it if it’s online you can collate it here.

It is so simple to set up and incredibly useful once you get going.
need any help?
Come and see me and if you create a great page on one of your school topics let me know so that I can share it with others….


Welcome to the school library @ St.Ninian’s High School.

We have over 7000 different resources from fiction to non-fiction from Manga to magazines and from PCs to printers.

The library is open from 8.30-4.00 Mon – Thurs and 8.30-3.45 on a Friday.(Note: this includes morning break and lunchtime everyday)

Please note that due to council changes the librarian will only be available every second week.

    Pupils may borrow 2 books for up to 4 weeks. Pupils may also request items from any other library in East Renfrewshire giving our students access to over 100,000 items.

    The library is managed and run by our fully qualified professional librarian; Mrs Baird, who is happy to answer questions regarding the library.

    We also now have installed a self- service machine and it is hoped that all pupils will bring in their Young Scot/Library card to maximise usage.

If you are really stuck for a good read ask Mrs. Baird about a personalised reading list- this service is available to all students from all years.
So, there really is NO excuse not to pick up a good read.
