Looking for more Space information – take a look here
Did you know?
NASA astronaut Mike Massimino missed pizza so much he ordered some on his way back to Earth.
What is an astronauts favourite key on the keyboard?
The space bar!
Looking for more Space information – take a look here
Did you know?
NASA astronaut Mike Massimino missed pizza so much he ordered some on his way back to Earth.
What is an astronauts favourite key on the keyboard?
The space bar!
Recently I have been asked by a HUGE number parents, teachers and pupils about how to go about finding the right book.
Obviously asking me is always the best option but for those days when I am working elsewhere or those things called weekends and holidays who can you turn to?
There is no magic wand but there are web sites that can help!
Achuka: www.achuka.co.uk/blog/
Book Buzz: www.booktrust.org.uk/books/bookfinder/
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/
SBT: www.scottishbooktrust.com/
Guardian Books: www.theguardian.com/books
Books For Keeps: http://booksforkeeps.co.uk/
Love4Reading: www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/
Common sense media: www.commonsensemedia.org/website-lists
Then see if we have it:
Remember to edit by location
Top tips:
Pick more than one book or even create a reading list online
Don’t like it – don’t keep reading – plenty more books out there
Five finger rule – find five words on the first page you don’t understand – perhaps the book is too hard.. for now
We don’t have it and you want to read it? Tell me and then tell me again and keep telling me till I buy it!
Librarian recommendation are ALWAYS the best,
Mrs Baird
Here is a list of all the resources for the staff CPD on
Creative responses to … CFE.
AND for ease of clickology – they are linked.
If any break let me know.
Please also note that this is a living and breathing list and will be added to when I find more suitable sites OR if you find anything super and dandy I will add it on.
KAHOOT this is the link for staff
Alternatives to Google
Bibliography and referencing
PEARLTREES – please note that this site is blocked by ER
Please note that I have hand-outs on how to use some of these web sites – so don’t bother creating your own just ask.
Mrs Baird
Book review – BORING!
Power Point- YAWN!
Why not take a look at Fakebook where you create a false Facebook account for your subject.
Just as with the real Facebook you will have to know about your character – age, interests, friends, pictures and movies etc
The more research you do in the beginning the better your fake will be!
Click on the link to take you to Fakebook
If you need information on how to create your account click here.
Ideally you should open both pages and work between them.
So, be creative and be smart and Fake it!
If you are a scientist you may be looking at topics that deal with the environment.
And if you are studying National Four you will have to get your nose round one rather smelly topic – FERTILISER!
Rather than wandering aimlessly through a plethora of bad web sites why not take a look at the selection I have chosen for you below.
If you find a better one – brilliant! Let me know and I will add it to the list.
Then look no more- try out these official sites -BEFORE you go a Googling!
Find out all about countries here
Find out about the history of the games and information about each sport here AND here
Find up-to-date information about the games here
Have you found any other brilliant sites?
Let me know and I will add them to this page!
Then why not take a look at the following web sites?
If you find any more useful sites please let me know and I will add them to this list.
Please note that you MUST cite your sources and for websites this means including the DATE.
If you need help just ask!
Are you on information overload?
Too much for your tiny little head to handle?
I recommend you take a few minutes to look at LiveBinder
This is a great site where you can keep all your online information in the same place – web sites, youtube videos, pdfs you name it if it’s online you can collate it here.
It is so simple to set up and incredibly useful once you get going.
need any help?
Come and see me and if you create a great page on one of your school topics let me know so that I can share it with others….
If you are taking part in the “Show Racism the Red Card” competition here are a few links that you might find to be of use.
Good luck!
This is a brilliant little web site where you can create your own Top Trumps type cards.
This can be used for fun activities and can be created for families or football teams or can be used for school work as aide memoirs.
Create cards for different elements or regions or book characters.
This site is only as limited as your imagination.
E-mail me your best creations and they could be on this very web site for all to see.
Don’t be shy!