IMS One Community project.
Please see below if you would like to be involved in sending a letter or picture to local nursing homes.
On Tuesday morning we welcome residents from Greenlaw Grove care home to IMS for a community coffee morning.
Class Arran and the ISS@IMS pupils have made community links with Greenlaw Grove Care Home as part of Class Arran’s Community Involvement N1 SQA and ISS@IMS N3 Wellbeing Award.
They had previously visited Greenlaw Grove and had a tour of the building and sampled the amazing food in the Café, courtesy of Greenlaw Grove
On Thursday 29 April, both groups returned to Greenlaw Grove to put on a Scottish Dance performance for the residents.
Their next joint Community Involvement Activity will take place on Tuesday 24 May, when the residents from Greenlaw Grove will visit IMS to join in with some Scottish Dancing. They will then be offered tea and cakes, made and served by the ISS@IMS pupils.
Recently the school opened it’s doors to the local commuinty as part of the Mearns Community Week.
At our assembly on February 15th we were delighted to welcome Aileen and Chris from Mearns Community Week who presented the school with a cheque for £600 from the money raised by the week’s events.
We were delighted to recieve this fabulous amount of money which will be used to buy some equipment for the pupils.
Thanks to everyone who visited or contributed to this great event.