EWHCF Class of 2021

February 23, 2020
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog 21.02.20

What a busy week we have had in P6B!

The Royal Navy led a STEM workshop which was fantastic! We created our own circuit boards with motors, used VR headsets to experience flying a fighter jet, programmed Spheros, learned about hydraulics and there was a TV which showed us the inside of a submarine. Thank you for coming to Crookfur Primary School!

In French we have been learning how to say parts of the human body. It has been very fun because we have learned how to sing heads, shoulders, knees and toes in French. We also played Simon Says which challenged us to listen to the instructions in French and touch different parts of the body. Mr Atkinson also read out colours in French and we had to hunt around the class for objects which matched the colours. After the games we labelled a human body diagram in French and next week we are going to write descriptions of monsters in French. This will give us an opportunity to combine our prior knowledge of numbers and colours with our human body vocabulary.

In writing this week we had the option to write a story on either the Loch Ness Monster or living in Brazil. There were some fantastic ideas such as the Loch Ness monster escaping and people learning to play football on the streets of Brazil and being scouted to play for famous clubs.

This week we also went across to Eastwood High School for a P.E. session with their sports leaders. It was great fun!

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

What a great week we have had! The weather hasn’t be kind to us lately so could I please remind everyone to bring the appropriate clothing to school (jackets and a change of shoes). The staff in the Eastwood High School P.E. department wanted me to remind everyone that they must bring in the correct P.E. kit to fully participate in the upcoming lessons.


February 23, 2020
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 14.02.20

Hello everybody! It may have been a short week but we have been busy in P6B.

In Skills Academy some of the P6B pupils created their very own Fitbits by programming a set of instructions into their micro:bits. The micro:bit devices were able to detect our steps and when we pressed button A the number of steps were displayed with a motivational message that we had previously programmed. Afterwards, we became game developers by coding and inputting commands into the micro:bits which led to us creating Space Invaders! It was incredibly challenging, however, it was amazing to think that we could design our games in school.

We finished off an outstanding activity from our previous IDL topic. We created our very own 3D hurricanes by cutting and sitting them on backing paper and then labelling the different features of how they form. Afterwards we used the Chromebooks to research well known hurricanes. Then we recorded their wind speed by referring to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

In one of our literacy lessons we looked at a range of texts including; myths, legends and popular stories. Some of the vocabulary and authors word choice was unfamiliar so we used clues from the surrounding sentences to help us make assumptions of what they meant. Then we checked whether our definitions were correct by using dictionaries.

In P.E. we have been trying out different backhand techniques. First we had to determine whether we were able to generate enough power to hit a ball with either a one-handed backhand or a two-hand backhand. Once we settled on a comfortable swing we then practised bouncing the ball to one another and returning it with a backhand. Afterwards, we played a whole class game against Mr Atkinson which required us to return a shot from him and if he didn’t return it we got a point but if we didn’t return it one of our teammates had to join his team.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Good work everyone! Next Wednesday we will be going across to Eastwood High School for a P.E. session with their sports leaders. Please bring the appropriate P.E. kit in order to take part in all of the activities. We will be visiting Eastwood High School every Wednesday for the next six weeks for these sessions.

February 22, 2020
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 07.02.20

It’s show week! All of our hard-work and preparations were worth it! We performed in-front of our friends and families in the morning and the afternoon. We were all very nervous on the day but once we were on stage our nerves settled and we become so excited. Thank you to all the family and friends for coming to watch us, we hope you enjoyed it.

This week we also met Miss Crooks from University of Strathclyde who will be joining us over the next few weeks. She will be delivering lessons on Fairtrade which will be our new IDL topic after the Brazil and Scotland country comparison study. Miss Crooks will also be teaching us about the human body in science and will lead a series of lessons on persuasive writing. This week she organised a few ‘getting to know you’ lessons which were very fun!

As part of our comparative study of Brazil and Scotland, we learned about Romero Britto who is a Brazilian artist, painter and sculptor. Using his techniques we recreated pictures inspired from his previous work. It was very interesting using a range of lines, vibrant colours and bold patterns to create abstract pictures.

After our show Mr Atkinson took us outside to the MUGA where we further delivered our teamwork and communication skills in rounders and football. This was a great way to relax after the two show performances.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

I am so proud of all the pupils for putting on an excellent show! Your dedication and hard-work paid off and it is clear that we have quite a few talented actors, gymnastics and dancers in P6B! Once again thank you to parents and guardians for their assistance with either helping your child learn their lines or helping to arrange their costume. We are all looking forward to returning to a normal timetable next week.

February 14, 2020
by User deactivated
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P6A Class Blog – 24/01/20 – Cara, Amy, Kai P

This week we have been busy rehearsing for our upcoming school show! We were given our final scripts of the show, told about our costumes and we practised singing some of our songs. Cara and I are narrators and Amy is a highland dancer.

In maths the mathletes have been learning about speed, distance and time and used the chromebooks to challenge each other on different time challenges and it was really fun.

Number ninjas length : in math for the number ninjas we were learning about length and perimeter . we were using trundle wheels to measure large areas ,then meter  sticks to measure smaller areas and then rulers to measure smaller

Cool calculators have been learning about rounding and are really good at it. This week they worked with the problem solvers and looked at volume.


From Kai, Amy and Cara 

February 13, 2020
by User deactivated
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P6A Class Blog – 31/01/20 – Alexander, Andrew and Lauren

Class Blog – 31/01/20


In writing we were doing scotts poem we had to include some scottish words like Dug, ken and boggin.

We had to First write our poem in our jotter, and then we had to draw a picture of something scottish like the flag and then you would write your poem inside the picture. We called it a shape poem.

  In our topic we are learning about Scotland and Brazil and doing a school show. The school show is about a boy who wants to play music and go to the carnaval in Brazil and his family will not let him so he got a costume in secret and went to get bagpipes witch his great great grampa played but when he held them he got transported to Scotland and met a family and found out they are long distance relatives.

In art we have been doing Romero Britto paintings. They are very fun to do because of the interesting lines throughout the painting and you can still see what he was trying to make.

In maths we do a times table sheet in this sheet you must answer all correct to get you coin move up, there are six stages Finalist, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Champions, and Olympic the higher you get with your times tables the more you move up and the more you get house points.

In P.E. We have been doing a thing called a cooper test. A cooper test is a test in which you get a time limit and run as fast as you can





Andrew .

February 2, 2020
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 31.01.20

Hello everybody! Our blog this week is shorter than usual because we have been so busy with the show.

We have been rehearsing everyday for our school show, we are nearly ready to perform in front of an audience. We have continued to make props with Mr Atkinson and with the help of Miss Wallace we designed and painted a background scenery to cover the stage. Mr Atkinson even joined in this week to help with the highland dancing segment of the show. You can see some photos of our show practices on the school’s Twitter page.

In our writing lesson this week we up-levelled our poetry from the previous week. We really focused on making sure that we had rhyming throughout the poem and that it was correctly structured in the shape of our chosen theme.

As a fun finishing task one maths group decided to apply their understanding of directions and angles to help direct each other to certain places in the classroom. To make it even more challenging some pupils volunteered to be blindfolded!

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Well done everyone for your commitment and hardwork with the school show! Final preparations are underway with the last few rehearsals happening on Monday and Tuesday. As outlined in the costume letter all outfits should have been dropped off on Friday 31/01/20. If you have not done so already can you please ensure costumes are brought in for Monday 03/02/20 for the dress rehearsals. If there are any difficulties sourcing the outfits please do let me know as soon as possible. The class and I can’t wait to present our show to you!

January 27, 2020
by G Atkinson
Comments Off on P6B Blog – 24.01.20

P6B Blog – 24.01.20

This week we have been busy rehearsing for our upcoming school show! We were given our final scripts of the show, told about our costumes and we practised singing some of our songs. Some of us have even been practising our dances at lunchtimes! Next week we will be using the stage for our daily rehearsals. We have also started making props which you can see from our photos.

Given that it is Burns Night this week we drafted our very own poems using the Scots language. This was challenging at first because we had to learn some Scots words and research what they meant. Afterwards, we applied our prior knowledge of rhyme and the ABAB structure to help create our poems. Next week we are going to finish and uplevel them.

In maths one group has been learning about decimals and fractions. This involved ordering decimals starting from smallest to highest and then we wrote decimals in two other ways (tenths, hundredths, thousandths and in fractions). Another groups has been estimating and then completing calculations by rounding to the nearest ten. One of the other groups has just finished angles and directions. For their final lesson they used to the BeeBots and the maps to plan routes using directions and angles. You can see some of work below!

Our second last lesson of the natural disasters topic involved learning about tsunamis. We discovered how they formed and how destructive they can be.

We had a great time creating our own music this week with Mrs Melville!

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Excellent work so far everyone with the school show! Can I please remind everyone to keep on practising and learning their lines and song words at home. As noted in the costume letter that went home earlier in the week, can all outfits be brought into school by Friday 31/1/20. Please do not purchase any costumes as we can help with this. Everyday next week there will be a rehearsal resulting in the weekly timetable being altered.

January 20, 2020
by User deactivated
Comments Off on P6A Blog – 10/01/20 – Cole, Eilidh, Muskaan

P6A Blog – 10/01/20 – Cole, Eilidh, Muskaan

10/01/20   class blog


The Number Ninjas were given 2D shape challenges with playdough and loved it!



This week was the first week of DYW ,it was very fun, we have four different workshop/activities they are life skills, digital technologies , design and manufacture and finally learning for sustainability.



This week was the first week of badminton. It was very fun we done a few rallays then we done a game called around the world. We all took turns to hit the shuttlecock then run to the other side. It was really fun we all enjoyed it.



We wrote a diary entry about our christmas holidays. We had to write 200-300 words and use as much descriptive vocabulary as we could.



We started to make squash books about our new topic about Brazil and Scotland. We started learning about the Brazilian artist Romero Britto. 


Special news – we started to design and make apps for make it hAPPen after people visited and let us create our own apps. If we win our app will get made!

January 20, 2020
by User deactivated
Comments Off on P6A Blog – 17/01/20 – Amrit, Oscar and Maryam

P6A Blog – 17/01/20 – Amrit, Oscar and Maryam

Class blog 17.01.20   P6a



This is the class blog for 17.01.20 



In P.E we have been working on Badminton. It has been fun hitting the shuttlecock back and forth and playing games like around the world in P.E.


Our Show

We are doing a show it’s about a story of the 2 countries. We all have a part to say the main person is Antonio and Oscar is playing that role and amrit is a narrator also Ayla and Dhruv are saying a very big poem.



In dyw the life skills group are making food.In digital technology they are coding microbits.In design and manufacture group they are making things like jewellery boxes. And in learning for sustainability they are using crisp packets to make pices of artwork to hang in the school. In Life skills everone make nachos with salsa/ 



In the mathelets they have been using playdough and art straws to make 3d shapes. The mathletes also did a shape hunt where they had to look around the class for certain shapes and mark them down. In the cool calculators they have been using bead strings to help with rounding.


Special News

This week in P3 they were reading esio trot and Zanera from P3 and Eleya from P6 brought in their tortoise buddy who had a pop into classes   

January 19, 2020
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 17.01.20

This week we designed and planned our very own Apps for the Make It Happen Club competition. This involved writing a description about what our Apps would do. Then we drew icons for our Apps which could potentially be displayed in the App Store. Some of us even elaborated on our descriptions by writing about different options and functions that would exist in our Apps.

In writing this week we created persuasive country files, like the examples you might see in a travel agents office. First, we had to consider how this piece of writing was different from our usual types of writing. Then we had to think about how to make our writing appealing to our targeted audience/reader. We used rhetorical questions, emotive language, exaggeration and repetition throughout our writing to meet the success criteria.

The real highlight of this week was rehearsing for our school show! We all voted on our top three roles and then we were allocated one of them. We have also been learning our songs. We are really enjoying it so far!

In P.E. this week we started our tennis lesson series. Mr Atkinson used to do some tennis coaching so he took us back to basics. First, we all had to improve our grips on the rackets and spacial awareness before moving onto other skills. Mr Atkinson came up with a fun way to remember how to hold a racket – “pretend you are shaking hands with it.” Afterwards, we moved around the court like crabs so that we learned the importance of positioning in order to avoid leaving openings on the court. Finally, we practised our forehand swings which we will continue to work on next week.

With Miss Wallace we continued to learn about substance misuse.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Over the next few weeks the Talk Homework will be focused on the class learning their songs words and the script. Some afternoon periods will now be spent practising with P6A for our P6 school show which is a comparison between Scotland and Brazil.

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