EWHCF Class of 2021

March 27, 2020
by G Atkinson
Comments Off on P6B Blog 27.03.20

P6B Blog 27.03.20

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

P6B pupils are now experts of Google Classroom! I am so proud and impressed with everyone’s hard work, resilience, helpfulness and resourcefulness. It has been great to see pupils working together and demonstrating the school values at our ‘hub’ school. My top contributors for the week are: Simone and Ayaan, well done! This week I asked some of the boys and girls of P6B to write about their week for the class blog. Thank you for sharing your experiences of home learning and the virtual classroom.


“This week P6B has been very busy with all their school work. Everyday we have had different tasks to complete and Mr Atkinson has been very helpful online . I have managed to do all my Maths and Literacy and even managed to bake muffins for Health and Wellbeing. I have particularly enjoyed listening to Chapter 1 of Stormbreaker and can’t wait to find out what happens next.”


“This week P6B have got up to a lot of different activities including Health and Wellbeing, Maths, Literacy and many more. We have been given tasks by Mr Atkinson from easy tasks to slightly difficult tasks but it has been an enjoyable week. Mr Atkinson has been giving us links to very exciting audiobooks including Millions and Stormbreaker. The week has almost finished but I look forward to the week ahead.”


“This week we have all done lots of different subjects. It was very difficult because it was our first week working from home. I really like the timetable this week. My favourite thing this week was Joe Wicks workout in the morning. I also liked the Stormbreaker book and the book Millions. I’m looking forward to so much fun and exciting things ahead.”


“This week on Google Class we have been getting used to not going to school. Mr Atkinson keeps us up to date on the things we need to do and makes sure we all have our logins and passwords. He also gives us a timetable for some structure, and whenever someone needs a bit of help, they can share it on Google Class and students or teacher can answer them. We have also been listening to Mr Atkinson and Miss Estlick read Millions. It’s the last day of the first week, but everything is going good!”


“This week was our first week of home learning. It was different as it was a lot quieter than school. We got into a good routine which included breakfast, Joe Wicks, Google Classroom and walking or cycling. I enjoyed that the work online was well organised and easy to follow. It was good that Mr Atkinson posted videos to let us know what we had to do each day. It was different having dad as a teacher.”

Home Learning – Update

  • Wraparound Spelling– Spelling for the week should be completed on the appropriate Google Doc, please submit at the end of the week and not on a daily basis.
  • Answers– Answers have been provided at the back of the maths workbooks for all the groups. Please self-mark or, if possible, ask an adult to mark them for you. You can share your maths work by putting a photo in the appropriate Google Doc. If you are finding any of the questions tricky please post in Google Classroom and I will help out.
  • Handing in work– Please hand in your work when you are finished for example when you have completed your writing. Please hand in your work when you have updated it so that I can check what you have updated (for example like your home learning log). The teacher can return it to you, but you can also un-submit it.

March 23, 2020
by G Atkinson
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Primary 6 Home Learning Information

Primary 6 Home Learning Information

Hi everyone,

This is an overview of what we are expecting over the next week and information on some of the things that are on Google Classroom. Take your time and read through this, particularly if you were absent last week.

  • Weekly timetable – a weekly timetable will become available at 8:00am on Monday morning. This will allow you to see what will be expected throughout the week.

There is flexibility around this timetable so don’t feel like you need to follow it exactly, particularly the afternoon tasks – you can swap these around. We recommend that you try to do some tasks daily, where possible.

  • Home learning log – each student has a Google Slide/PowerPoint. This is for you to take pictures/write reflections on the tasks you are doing. You can also share any other learning opportunities you may be doing at home like cooking for example.
  • This will document your learning for assigned tasks and you can also share any other learning opportunities you may be doing at home like cooking for example.
  • Daily check-in – this is an opportunity for you to interact with your peers and class teacher. There will be different questions daily and remember you can respond to your peers too.
  • Daily question time – this is a chance for you to ask any questions about your learning/tasks for the day. Remember the class teacher may not see it right away but if you know the answer please help your peers. These can be posted on the stream and your teacher may tell you what hour of the day they will be live on the stream.
  • Written work – Numeracy & Mathematics tasks can be completed in the jotter given to you in your home learning pack or you can use your maths homework jotter. If you wish you can write the answers on Google Classroom. Reading and comprehension tasks can be completed on Google docs. Any other reading tasks can be completed in your jotter you were given in your home learning pack. Writing can be done on Google docs and will be assigned to you. 
  • If you wish you can post answers to any other curricular areas in the Google Doc titled “other curricular typed answers or screenshots.” 
  • 20 questions will be posted daily on Sumdog and these questions will be open for 1 week. If you use 123 maths please do 15 minutes a day.
  • For pupils who use Nessy Spelling or Toe-by-Toe please do 20 minutes a day. 
  • Please remember than any photographs or videos posted of your teacher, by your teacher, must remain on Google Classroom and not shared on any other devices or platforms to maintain privacy regulations. We can’t wait to read any responses you have to our videos! 
  • Could everyone please complete the “About Me” assignment as a priority. 

I hope you find this information useful and I will continue to update it where appropriate. Remember this is new for us all, even the teachers! We will continue to work together and help each other along the way.

Thank you,

Mr Atkinson and Miss Estlick 

March 22, 2020
by User deactivated
Comments Off on P6a Class Blog – 13/03/20 – Darcey, Aizah, Amrit

P6a Class Blog – 13/03/20 – Darcey, Aizah, Amrit


Amrit,Darcey and Aizah 

Class blog 


Our trip to Dynamic Earth 


On the 13th of march 2020,we went to dynamic earth it was very fun.The coach trip was 2hrs long but when everyone got there everyone was so excited and happy.

when we got there we put our jackets and bags away and got sorted into groups one group was with miss estlick and the other group was with mr atkinson.

my group went to the quake,rattle and roll workshop and the group with mr atkinson went on a tour of dynamic earth,In the workshop we done 4 stations and in the first one we got to look at real stones from a volcano and got to draw our own volcano.The second one we had the earth rocks and the meteoroids and you had to find out if it was a earth rock or not. there was also tornado bottles were we had to turn upside down and shake and it would look like a tornado and also an earthquake machine were we had to make a building without it falling and chromebooks with natural disaster facts.


The Tour 


During the tour we found a time machine, we all went through it and our first exchibet was the volcano one. There was a huge movie screen will moltin lava coming out it, once it had finished the floor light up.




We also had a visit from the SSPCA where we got to programme cat robots based on a story we were given. It helped up on how best to look after animals and what is important.



March 17, 2020
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog 13.03.20

Our school trip to Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh was incredible! We first went to a Natural Disaster workshop where we identified different types of volcanic rocks, created our own tornadoes, tested our knowledge of tsunamis and built our very own earthquake proof homes. Then we went on the time travelling machine which took us through different eras on the earth. Some of us even touched a large piece of ice and experienced a 3D flight to the Amazon rainforest.

We also had a visitor from the Scottish SPCA. They taught us how to look after our pets and why it is importantly to treat them with kindness. Afterwards, we discussed who we should contact if we see an injured animal and we played a few games using electric toys.

In writing this week, we planned and created our own Fair Trade adverts with Miss Crooks. To achieve this, we revised our persuasive writing techniques by categorising facts, opinions, alliteration and repetition. Next, we came up with our very own catchy slogans and chose vibrant colours to make our adverts appealing.

In Science, we finished off our bone experiments and wrote our results onto a report.

In maths, Emmy Noether have been adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing numbers with three decimals places. We also learned the strategies of multiplying and dividing numbers by 10,100 and 1000. Albert Einstein have been calculating durations and consolidating our understanding of converting between 12 and 24 hour times. Isaac Newton have been continuing to consolidate their understanding of adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers with the help of concrete material.

During our art lesson we completed our artist comparison study of Romero Britto and Samuel Peploe. We investigated their techniques and styles and then recreated some of their famous pieces.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Congratulations to our P6B winner, the runner-ups and to all the participants for your submissions to the Make It Happen competition.

March 11, 2020
by User deactivated
Comments Off on P6a Class Blog – 06.03.20 – Sam, Amy, Chloe

P6a Class Blog – 06.03.20 – Sam, Amy, Chloe

P6a Blog   06.03.2020


This week we have been doing very exciting   things such as…


This week in maths, the Mathletes group have been learning about angles and we got to use protractors a lot to measure the angles in triangles but on Friday we excitingly moved onto fractions.

This week in maths, the problem solvers group have been learning about times tables and we played snap games but with the times tables.


This week in literacy we have been doing an interesting tactic to answer our questions in more detail. This strategy is called the race strategy. The race strategy helps us structure our answers for future tests so that we get more marks.

Another thing we have been doing are spelling stations. These stations include; jotter work, word work, independent reading and active spelling. These stations make literacy fun.

Our Topic:

Our Topic in class is Fairtrade. We are learning a lot of things about how Fairtrade helps farmers in different countries. The main food that we are focusing on is chocolate because it is a very important to a cocoa farmer


In art we have been focusing on our old topic Scotland and Brazil. We have been doing artwork based on famous Scottish and Brazilian artists. Some examples of artist we did are Romano Britto, Samuel Peploe



In pe this week we have been doing basketball over at Eastwood High. In basketball this week we were focusing on sec shots and how to do them.



March 10, 2020
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog 07.03.20

This week we celebrated World Book Day by taking part in a book scavenger hunt in the playground planned by Mrs Norman’s P7 class. We also teamed up with P2! Some of us went down to P2 and the rest of us stayed in our P6 class. Then we partnered up with a P2 pupil to help them complete their book quiz and after that we read to them.

Our writing lesson was great this week! We discussed what ‘fake news’ is and we even watched some clips of the American President Donald Trump. Mr Atkinson challenged us to use and apply our knowledge of facts and opinions to help plan and write a newspaper. We included evidence and statements from reliable sources such as doctors and government reports and we also used opinions from witnesses. There was a wide range of writing ideas from football victories, animals escaping from zoos and current affair issues.

In our literacy lesson we looked at a range of persuasive texts. Then we answered questions referring to the facts, opinions and statistics.

In our IDL lesson we learned where chocolate originated from. We labelled diagrams tracking how a chocolate bar ends up in our local food shops. Afterwards we designed and created Fairtrade chocolate bars, there were some excellent ideas.

In Maths we created information posters about our recent topics.

Miss Crooks conducted an experiment during our science lesson this week to explore how our bones can be affected. Next week we will report our findings.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Well done everyone for another brilliant week! It was great to meet all the P6B parents and guardians at Parents Night. We have a school trip to Dynamic Earth on Friday 13th March.

March 2, 2020
by User deactivated
Comments Off on P6A Class Blog – 28/02/20 – Lewis and Mhairi

P6A Class Blog – 28/02/20 – Lewis and Mhairi

Friday 28th february 2020 


P6a class blog 


This week in class we have be doing in class




In writing we had to write about a hunted castle in scotland describing the setting of the hunted castle we also had to about a problem and we had to solve the problem in the story .




In P.E this  week we went over to Eastwood and we were doing Basketball we went into groups and there were four or five coaches and when we came back to school we played Badminton we played around the world 




This week on Wednesday afternoon we had a Drama workshop with a lady called Kimberly we had to act out a scene of our choice we decided to do boxing and other scene

March 2, 2020
by User deactivated
Comments Off on P6A Class Blog – 21/02/20 – Kailah, Louis, Daniel

P6A Class Blog – 21/02/20 – Kailah, Louis, Daniel

Some people from the royal navy came and they were doing S.T.E.M (science.technolagy.engineering and maths). We did a lot of stations and it was a lot of fun (the VR was my favourite).



In pe we did some football at east wood.We had lots of fun playing games for a warm up we did knots and crosses. The way we did it we would set up the cones in to 3 by 3. Then we would place the bibs onto the cones and try and get three in a row. After we did that we played some football matches and then we walked back to our school and played a couple of games of a round a world with badminton.


Topic: we were doing squash books. We were writing about scotland and brazil. We would do some information in each square. For example we would do famous people in one of the squares for scotland so say we would write billy connolly, kevin bridges and so on. It was a lot of fun.  

This week we had French visitors in and we got to show them how good we are at French. We played the French colours game, the dance game and wrote a wanted poster about our own monsters in French.


Math: The number ninjas moved on to new topic algebra. The mathletes they just stoped doing protractor work and were moving on to fractions. 


In literacy we played new active spelling tasks. We really like spelling our words on the keyboard.


This week we also had a visitor from dogs trust who taught us how to look after dogs properly.



March 2, 2020
by User deactivated
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P6A Class Blog – 07/01/20

This week was the week of our show “The Tale of Two Countries” and we were so excited to share our learning with other classes within the school and with our parents and guardians. We loved performing in front of everyone and loved having 2 performances in one day. We were worried that we were going to be tried but surprisingly we had so much energy to sing and dance around the stage. We want to say thank you to everyone that came to visit us!

As part of our comparative study of Scotland and Brazil we created  a lot of artwork including that of the Brazilian artist Romero Britto, you can find our art work displayed across the back wall of the classroom and they certainly do brighten up the place! Using his techniques of line, shape and colour we were able to create a variety of patterned abstract pictures with a focal point.

After our first show Miss Estlick and Mr Atkinson took us to the MUGA to play rounders and football. It was a great brain break for us before our performance in the afternoon.


March 1, 2020
by G Atkinson
Comments Off on P6B Blog 28.02.20

P6B Blog 28.02.20

This week we had several visitors stop by P6B. Primary 3B and Mrs Grieve visited our class so that we could compare jotters and give each other constructive feedback. Then on Friday the Dog Trust delivered a presentation to the class about how to look after a dog. It was really interesting because a lot of us either own dogs or would like one in the future.

On Wednesday we visited Eastwood High School where the Sports Leaders and the P.E. teachers divided us into groups and then we took part in football drills. We are all looking forward to going back across next week.

In our literacy and language lesson, Miss Crooks started teaching us the difference between fact and opinion. First, we read two articles and highlighted the facts and opinions in different colours. We then had to group statements into facts and opinions. Finally, we shared our answers which led to some interesting discussions.

In Science, Miss Crooks introduced us to the different bones and organs in the body. This was great because we were able to show off our French vocabulary that we had been taught by Mr Atkinson in the previous week.

In French, we used our body vocabulary and previous knowledge of colours to create profiles describing our appearances.

In Maths, Mr Atkinson worked with Emmy Noether to further develop their understanding of decimals. First, we learned strategies of how to multiply figures with three decimal places by one digit. Miss Crooks has started to teach converting 12 and 24 times to Albert Einstein. Isaac Newton have been continuing to learn the process of adding two digit numbers together by using the vertical lay out.

We only have two more Scotland/Brazil lessons left with Mr Atkinson so we have started to prepare for our new topic, Fairtrade. This week Miss Crooks asked us to think about what are our ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. Afterwards, we then separated our ideas into two categories which we discussed as a class.

Mr Atkinson’s Comment

Miss Crooks will be joining us for ten weeks and will be delivering whole class lessons as well as group lessons. Miss Crooks has requested for pupils to bring in empty chocolate wrappers to help make a Fairtrade display. Well done to everyone for bringing in your P.E. kit for going across to Eastwood High School – let’s keep this up! Our school trip to Dynamic Earth has also been confirmed. I am looking forward to meeting parents and guardians at the upcoming Parents Night.

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