20/12/19 CLASS BLOG
This week we finished our explosions. We exploded them with bicarbonate soda , vinegar and some red food coloring so it looks like lava erupting from a volcano .
In science we made a blizzard in a bottle with oil,water , a medicine tablet and some blue food dye .
In P.E we have been doing social dancing and we have also been doing handball.
We had a christmas party and played christmas corners, pass the parcel.
In literacy we did spelling stations and we were at each station for 15 minutes. I liked that we got to move around the stations.
In writing we wrote a poem about a snowman and it was a-b format in stanzas.
As a Christmas present Miss Estlick bought us cupcakes and biscuits and we got to decorate them. Thank you Miss Estlick.
By Kailah, Cole and Abu