This week P2a have been finishing off our Glasgow Topic. We have completed our summaries about William Burrell and the Burrell collection. We also completed leaflets about Glasgow. In Art we have drawn our own ‘Windows in the West’ pictures showing what would be in our own window.
In ICT we have been learning how to be safe while using the internet. We talked about how you should not tell strangers any personal information and when you do talk to people on the computer you should be kind, do not be rude! We also used a search engine to look up information about the elections next week.
During gym we began to learn about dance. We are looking forward to doing more.
On Friday Mrs Grubb brought her new babies in to see us. They are called Innes and Ewen. They were very cute.
Finally, we had to say a very big thank you and good bye to Miss Hunter. Friday was her last day. We are very sad that Miss Hunter is leaving.
Miss Zeitlin and P2a