EWHCF Class of 2020

November 9, 2018
by C Norman
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P6a Exploding Volcanoes!

Creating our first volcano with the dough mix.

It has been a busy week in primary 6a. We have continued learning about natural disasters and this week our focus was on Volcanoes. Earlier in the week we created our own volcanoes using a salt dough mix. On Friday the excitement levels were rising as fast as lava as we started to experiment using a range of ingredients to make our volcanoes erupt. As a class we conducted the first experiment using the quantities recommended for the lesson before splitting in to our groups and altering the variables so that we could note any significant changes to the eruptions.

Getting our hands sticky!

Working as a team to create our volcano.

Mixing in the dough before we build it.

It was important to measure carefully.

This team worked well together.

It got sticky at times!

“How are we going to get this off?”

Watching the first eruption!

Ready for some experimenting.

In goes the vinegar…

A successful lava eruption!

This mixture worked well.

We could see this lava running slowly down the side of the volcano.

Adding the final ingredient.

Happy that their measures worked!

Too much or too little of some ingredients changed the outcome.


Team work goals!


November 8, 2018
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 08.11.18

It has been a very busy week so far in P6B! All the maths groups have now set up their own Google Classroom where Mr Atkinson allocates interactive maths based games to reinforce our learning and understanding. This has been really fun because it is challenging us to apply our learning in a different way. We also use it to communicate with our peers and Mr Atkinson sometimes gives us questions for us to feedback on.

This week we have been writing about fireworks because Bonfire Night was this week! As part of our talk homework we were asked to think about what vocabulary, openers, connectives, punctuation and senses that we could include in our writing. Mr Atkinson also had us compare and create a list of exciting verbs and adjectives to upskill our writing and bring it to life.

Before starting our Natural Disaster topic we had to finish our final two science lessons on forces. One of the experiments involved dropping two balls of different sizes and weights at the same time. Someone else in our group would record the results and another person would tell the group which ball landed first. We all discovered that balls of different weights still hit the floor at the same time due to gravity. In the second experiment we recreated air resistance by using a hairdryer, we then put objects with different surface areas on top of the hairdryer. We learnt that objects with different surface areas land at various times due to air resistance. Our science lesson on Wednesday was all about exploring magnetism. We had to use magnets to identify and record magnetic and non-magnet objects as well as investigate the terms repel and attract.


Mr Atkinson comments

P6B have been enjoying using Google Classroom to consolidate their learning in maths. We have also spent some time discussing and reviewing the importance of Getting It Right For Every Child and the SHANARRI indicators. The class have also started to use the ‘Growth Mindset Mountain’ which encourages them to reflect on times when they persevered with a challenging task. I hope everyone enjoyed Halloween and Bonfire night!



October 28, 2018
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 26.10.18




Welcome back to the P6B blog!

We started the week by creating our very own superhero based stories. First we had to draw our heroes and describe their costumes and powers. Afterwards we created a plot which was about our superhero solving a problem that their archenemy had created!

Following our writing session we then separated into our reading groups to review our current books. We were investigating key story elements such as characterization, settings, themes, problems and resolutions. To record all this information we created spider-diagrams which we had to then share with Mr Atkinson and the rest of the class.

This week we started using Google Classroom to help record what natural disaster we would like to learn in an excel spreadsheet. We are going to start using Google classroom in maths, writing, reading and social studies.

We also had took part in the Strictly for Kids fundraising session. Our instructor taught us dance routine which was difficult at first but we all really enjoyed it – even Mr Atkinson and Mrs Norman joined in!

On Friday during our Health and Wellbeing session we discussed what are the traits of a good friend and we linked it to our school values. Next we spoke about what feelings we might experience during a natural disaster to help us with our upcoming writing on living through a natural disaster.

Mr Atkinson’s comment

It was a busy first week for all of P6B! We have all moved onto new topics in our maths and making excellent progress in our reading books. Well done to everyone for their participation in the Strictly for Kids fundraising session. Over the course of next week I will be announcing the ECO community.

October 26, 2018
by C Norman
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Welcome to the new term!

Primary 6a arrived back in school this week ready for the new term. It has been a busy week filled with literacy, numeracy, technologies, science and even dance!

We have been introduced to our new social studies and science topic which we are all very excited about. Mrs Norman is very impressed with all the ideas and prior knowledge learners are able to bring to the topic. We have discussed the different areas of natural disasters that we would like to investigate so we are starting with the structure of the Earth to help us understand the reasons why natural disasters happen. We are looking forward to lots of practical experiences during our learning so keep an eye on our blog for pictures over the next few weeks.

We have been introduced to Google Classroom where learning experiences can be shared. At the beginning we discussed the importance of being responsible users. Some pupils have already taken the opportunity to type up notes about their non-fiction texts at home.

On Tuesday we had a visit from a dance teacher named Clare who taught us a dance as part of the Strictly for Kids fundraising. We all enjoyed learning the moves and put in a lot of effort, Mrs Norman was impressed with how well we participated.

Look out next week for a full round up on our learning so far.

October 20, 2018
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 11.09.18


Over the past few weeks we have been continuing to learn about the Victorians. We have been using our ICT period to create fact files based on important Victorian individuals which we then shared with Mr Atkinson and the class. Mr Atkinson showed us a clip from Oliver Twist which we had to recreate and adapt to change the ending. Our last lesson involved researching different Victorian building designs and engineering achievements. We were then set the challenge to design and test bridges based on the Forth Bridge and London Bridge. To finish off the topic all of P6 visited the Summerlee Heritage Museum where we had a chance to play with Victorian toys, dress as Victorian children, travel on a tram (Victorian mode of transport) and explore a mine (it was scary to think that Victorian children worked in these awful conditions)! It again made us consider how some of the rights of a child; such as access to education, freedom to play and to be properly looked after were not always being met during this era.

In Science we have started to learn about different forces by conducting experiments. This has involved us creating methods, identifying the correct equipment, making hypotheses and then reviewing the outcomes.

In P.E. we have finished our football and basketball sessions, which has helped us develop our coordination, communication, targeting and spacial awareness skills. When we come back from the holidays we are going to start gymnastics!

Mr Atkinson’s comment

Well done to everyone in P6B for working so hard over this term! Our school trip to Summerlee Heritage Museum was excellent and it helped bring our learning to life! It was great meeting all the parents and guardians at parents night this week. Next session we will be continuing with investigating different forces in science and learning about natural disasters. Lets keep working hard and demonstrating the schools values in the playground and in the classroom. Enjoy the holidays!


September 28, 2018
by C Norman
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P6a Classwork Update

Every week some of the students in primary 6a will round up our learning from the week. Over the last two weeks we have been very busy and after enjoying our September weekend everyone was back in school ready to learn! 

We found out that we are going on a school trip in two weeks time to Summerlee Heritage Museum and we are very excited, and slightly worried, about getting to go in to the mines. 


Here is our first student round up.


Maths-in maths the diamonds have been learning about cubic volume.

The squares were measuring weight and converting grams into kilograms or kilograms into grams.

The triangles are learning about decimal place and how to add them.

Literacy– In literacy we have been writing newspaper articles on famous Victorian inventions.

The Lions have been reading ‘Up on Cloud Nine’ and they discovered that one of the characters called Stoll fell out a top floor window!

The Tigers are reading ‘Granny Nothing’ and they found that Granny Nothing eats worms!

The Bears have been reading ‘Danny the Champion of the World’ they found out that he fell in a hole and broke his leg!

Social studies– In social studies we have been learning about the Victorians and how they lived there lives. We discovered a man called Dr Barnardo and he wanted to make a change to the childrens rights so he did.

Other areas-in R.M.E we are learning about inspirational people. We learnt about a series of people like Martin Luther King, Malala and Mother Teresa as well as how they changed the world!

Written by Max F & Emily B!


Mrs Norman’s comment –

Everyone in primary 6a is working hard on demonstrating the schools values through their work in class and how they are presenting themselves around the school. It has been lovely to see all the children trying their best to show respect for themselves and others at all times, as well as dressing for excellence. Keep working hard primary 6!

September 25, 2018
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 20.09.18

Hello everyone! This week we wrote a newspaper article based on Victorian inventions. Before doing this, we researched some of the famous and unusual inventions that were created in the 19th century. We discovered that the light bulb, the toilet, jelly babies, the London subway, the penny farthing (bicycle), the telephone, ice cream machines and the post box were all created and used during the Victorian era – so we should be very grateful for the creativity of Victorian inventors!

In French we have been busy designing and labelling monsters. Afterwards we created introductions for our beasts by writing hello, my name is… and my age is… in French. We also challenged ourselves by adding colour to the monster’s bodies and then writing the colour in French. Some of the class have even started to write how many arms and legs their beasts have!

This week in R.M.E we have been learning about inspirational people which has been fascinating. We studied the accomplishments of Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and Malala! We are very excited and eager to learn about other important individuals and how their efforts brought about significant change.

Our P6B comic book club, Babil, have been hard at work producing brilliant comics for our library and the wider school. They are now in the middle of writing their third issue and if anyone would like to read any of the previous issues they can be found in our class library – keep up the amazing work!

Mr Atkinson’s comment

Well done to Rebecca and Azaan who completed the summer reading challenge! Congratulations to Lily and Holly who were accepted into the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland! Great work Lucas for getting into the Scottish School of Badminton! It was also fantastic to hear that Alexander and his team won their rugby tournament!

September 16, 2018
by G Atkinson
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P6B Blog – 14.09.18


Hello and welcome to the first P6B blog which we will try to release every week! Our new topic for this term is the Victorians which we have all found very fascinating. Initially we learnt about Queen Victoria and what she achieved during her reign and then we investigated a Victorian child’s life. We found out that before the 1870 Education Act children in the 19th century didn’t have to go to school! Then we compared the differences between Victorian and modern schools – glad we weren’t born then! Afterwards we thought it would be an interesting activity to contrast the rights of a Victorian child against our class charter which we created based on the UNCRC Articles.


In P.E with Mr Atkinson we have been honing our skills of communication and coordination by completing passing, shooting and dribbling drills and then applying our techniques in football matches. We have also met our new P.E teacher, Mr Judge, who will be teaching us handball.


We have just started using our new award system which involves us earning marbles for our group and then using them to ‘buy’ rewards at the end of the week. Mr Atkinson has challenged us to think of our own privileges such as ‘be the teacher’ which means we can create our own mental maths challenge at the start of a lesson or lead the warm up activity in P.E.


On Roald Dahl day we learnt about his interesting life – did you know he was a fighter pilot in WWII briefly! During one of the lessons we applied our note taking skills to outline a character description and then we used our imaginations to draw popular Roald Dahl characters!


This week has been Maths Week and we have been working on simplifying fractions and making equivalent fractions. We will also be working on changing fractions into decimals and percentages over the next week. As part of maths week, the Maths Menace has been causing chaos and giving us daily maths puzzles. We thought it was our class teacher, Mr Atkinson, but it was Mrs McKim! As part of our homework we have been making maths hats and Mr Atkinson has been wearing one this week, so we started calling him Captain Fractions. At assembly on Friday we had to share our learning from the week so Bethany, Alex, Hashim, Naomi and Darcie volunteered to present – well done everyone you did a great job!!


Mr Atkinson’s comment


Well done P6B who worked very hard on their math challenges and Victorian research this week! Can everyone please remember that our P.E. sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday, so make sure you have your P.E. kit with you. It would be helpful to label your clothes with your name or initials so that nothing gets misplaced. We will also discuss and share our homework on Mondays. If you would like to see what P6B are up to please check Crookfur Primary’s twitter page and look out for #P6Binaction


September 4, 2018
by C Norman
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Primary 6A assembly.

Primary 6A are all very proud of their work over the last few weeks surrounding Growth Mindset. Last Friday we presented an assembly to the school and our families to share some of the positive and inspirational messages we learned about. We are all proud of each other for working hard on the first class assembly of the year and hope that all the students and teachers at Crookfur Primary work throughout the year remembering the power of YET!

We are now looking forward to learning more about the lives of Victorian children and comparing our current rights with children born in the 19th century. So far we have learned that prior to the 1870 Education Act children did not have to attend school! We can’t wait to investigate further.

May 24, 2018
by Miss Welsh
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Mrs Watsons Weekly Blog

This week has been a fantastic week and also a short week. We have Friday, Monday and Tuesday off. So we are all looking forward to that. Hope you all have a good week.

This week we have started to create our planning for a cruise ship model tribute to the titanic. So far they all look fabulous.  we linking our Science and Technology skills which is great fun.

Also this week we have had an opportunity to prefect which means we look after the younger ones. Most of us had enjoyed ourselves and would love to do it again!

We are looking forward to the Book Trust jamboree  and heard some amazing presentations by our friends about the famous authords.

Here is a list of all the special events coming up 🙂

6th Wed- Reading Jamboree

7th Thurs- Sports day

13th Wed- Reports handing out (I bet they are all great)

22nd Fri- House Reward



We are all looking forward to these events maybe not the reports but most of them

From Holly and Calum.


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