EWHCF Class of 2020

P6B Blog – 14.09.18


Hello and welcome to the first P6B blog which we will try to release every week! Our new topic for this term is the Victorians which we have all found very fascinating. Initially we learnt about Queen Victoria and what she achieved during her reign and then we investigated a Victorian child’s life. We found out that before the 1870 Education Act children in the 19th century didn’t have to go to school! Then we compared the differences between Victorian and modern schools – glad we weren’t born then! Afterwards we thought it would be an interesting activity to contrast the rights of a Victorian child against our class charter which we created based on the UNCRC Articles.


In P.E with Mr Atkinson we have been honing our skills of communication and coordination by completing passing, shooting and dribbling drills and then applying our techniques in football matches. We have also met our new P.E teacher, Mr Judge, who will be teaching us handball.


We have just started using our new award system which involves us earning marbles for our group and then using them to ‘buy’ rewards at the end of the week. Mr Atkinson has challenged us to think of our own privileges such as ‘be the teacher’ which means we can create our own mental maths challenge at the start of a lesson or lead the warm up activity in P.E.


On Roald Dahl day we learnt about his interesting life – did you know he was a fighter pilot in WWII briefly! During one of the lessons we applied our note taking skills to outline a character description and then we used our imaginations to draw popular Roald Dahl characters!


This week has been Maths Week and we have been working on simplifying fractions and making equivalent fractions. We will also be working on changing fractions into decimals and percentages over the next week. As part of maths week, the Maths Menace has been causing chaos and giving us daily maths puzzles. We thought it was our class teacher, Mr Atkinson, but it was Mrs McKim! As part of our homework we have been making maths hats and Mr Atkinson has been wearing one this week, so we started calling him Captain Fractions. At assembly on Friday we had to share our learning from the week so Bethany, Alex, Hashim, Naomi and Darcie volunteered to present – well done everyone you did a great job!!


Mr Atkinson’s comment


Well done P6B who worked very hard on their math challenges and Victorian research this week! Can everyone please remember that our P.E. sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday, so make sure you have your P.E. kit with you. It would be helpful to label your clothes with your name or initials so that nothing gets misplaced. We will also discuss and share our homework on Mondays. If you would like to see what P6B are up to please check Crookfur Primary’s twitter page and look out for #P6Binaction


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