Harry is most pleased with the fact that he could read the time and he can now recognise ‘quarter to’.
Olivia and Phoebe were happy that they were able to identify British coins and were able to put them in order of smallest to largest.
Lucy Combe was happy that she was able to do the Problem Solving about ‘Snakes and Ladders’. She had to find numbers when added to 9 made 16. Well done!
Holly was happy that she was able to identify which items she could buy using only 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Good work Holly!
Danny was pleased with Parents’ evening because the teachers said good things about him.
Erin is pleased that she can now read books with chapters in them. Well done Erin.
Tom is pleased that he could bring in Pudsey Bear today.
Daniyal is pleased because he got 5 plus points and earned a surprise and he is also the star of the week because of his hard work during maths. Well done!
Anthony is pleased because he has 10 stickers on his sticker marker for working hard.
Beth is happy she received a medal during assembly for doing well at different sports. Keep it up, Beth!
Christopher is pleased with his progress in maths this week learning about money and time. He can now recognise and use £1 coin.
Emily is pleased about completing her collage in art.
What we are most pleased with.
November 14, 2014 | 0 comments