In primary 2 we have been learning about the senses we learned about sight and smell. To learn about sight we all got blindfolded and had to guide each other around the classroom. We all felt a little unsafe when we couldn’t see and had to rely on someone else. We also had to rely on our touch sense to make sure we did not bang into anything. We learned about different parts of the eye – we learned about pupils, the iris and the retina. The iris is a lets light into the eye. The retina collects all of the images and sends messages to the brain. We watched a video that helped us to understand what all the parts of the eye do.
For smell we had different stations where we had to smell different things and had to guess what they were. Some of the things were very stinky!
In ICT we were still using Microsoft Paint and we all tried to use different shapes to make animals. Everyone made different animals and coloured them in. Alexander made a cheetah, Emily made a chick, Rebecca, Jessica, Corinne, Lucy G, Farhan and Riley made a cat, Lily made a mouse, Bethany made a spider, Rory made a rat, Naomi made a butterfly, Cameron and Calum made a crocodile, Ava made a frog, Areeb made a cow, Timothee made a lion and Aiden made a pig.
In language Emily C and Lucy G have been learning to make notes by using bullet points. They learned by making a list on how to smell. They listened to the teacher and had a go on the small whiteboard.
Emilia has been learning how to read non-fiction texts in language. “I learned this by listening to the teacher and practising lots. I can use the contents page, the index and the glossary.”
Corinne and Lily have been learning how to make a collage in art.
“I have been filling in parts of a lions face using different colours and different types of material. I learned by listening and watching the teacher.”- Corinne
“In play I was also drawing a garden and practising my drawing and colouring skills.” Lily
Timothee learned how to plant trees in the outdoor learning focus group.
What are we really pleased with?
Jessica – “I am really pleased with developing my ICT skills in word and paint.”
Emily C – “I am really pleased with my collage that I am making in art.”
Riley – “I am really pleased with how many plus points I have. I got them by listening to the teacher and working hard.”
Corinne – “I am really pleased with my problem solving in maths.”
Alex – “I am really pleased that I got to my next ten plus points I got them by listening and working very hard!”
Areeb – “I am really pleased that I can read half past and o’clock in time.”