P6b Class Blog Friday 17th November 2017

Primary 6 worked very hard all week preparing for our assembly ‘Back to the Victorians’ which was a blast! Thank you to all the parents and family members who turned up to watch our show.

We have been learning about and discussing anti bullying this week as it is ‘Anti-Bullying Week’. We looked at different scenarios and discussed positive ways of dealing with situations.  We also created our own comic strip where we designed a story about bullying in which the victim deals with it in a positive way.  We also spoke about online bullying/ cyber-bullying and steps that we can take if we encounter bullying online.  Today, we also created our own Anti-Bullying fact files.

In maths the yellow group have started algebra, the orange group have been finding the area of triangles and compound shapes and the white group have been finding fractions, decimals and percentages of amounts.

In P.E we played boccia with Mr. McMillan and basketball with Mrs. McGregor.

In science we researched topical science where we chose our own topic to research.