P6B Class Blog Friday 10th November 2017

We have been practising our Back to the Victorians assembly. We are looking forward to performing it to the school and our parents.

In writing we have been developing our VCOP. This week we wrote about walking through Glasgow City Centre and described it using our 5 senses.

In maths the orange group have been calculating the area of triangles. The white group have ben converting between fractions, percentages and decimals and finding percentages of amounts.  The yellow group have been measuring the angles of triangles.

In P.E we played 5 bat cricket and boccia which we all enjoyed. With Mrs. McGreggor we have been playing basketball.

In reading we have been working on our skimming and scanning techniques. Skimming is when you find the meaning of the text.  We use clues such as; title/ heading, sub headings, captions, pictures, diagrams and charts.  Scanning is when you go through the text to find a specific word or phrase.