P5A Class Blog Friday 18th November 2016

The pink maths group have been working on simplifying fractions this week.

The white group have been learning about angles and their names.

The orange group have been learning how to multiply two digit numbers by 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The yellow group have been learning about measuring in cm using a ruler.


In our reading groups we have been learning about vanishing habitats and species (purple group), Australia (blue group), reptiles (red group) and tadpoles and frogs (green group).


We created a persuasive letter in writing and learnt about different techniques such as; groups of three, rhetorical questions, exaggeration, emotive language and repetition.


In art we created repeated pictures in the style of screen printing using tracing paper.


In P.E we did dab tag and worked on our football skills.


We have started learning about renewable and non-renewable energy and the importance of plants.