
PC Trainer came in to talk to us about internet safety. It was really good, we had great discussions and he was funny.

Euler started to learn about how to calculate the volume of 3D shapes.

There was a netball tournament this week and we had lots of girls for our class taking part. We were split into two halls and we had to play against the people in our hall and we came second. Then we played against the team that came in second from the second hall. We are very proud as we came in fourth out of fifty schools!

P5a had there assembly all about renewable energy, it was really interesting and we loved the songs they made!

This week was our last week in the playground for bikeability, next week we will be out on the roads. We were learning about safe start, safe stops, turning right and left. It’s getting a bit easier but we need to remember our lifesaver look!

In Science we have been learning about food webs, we created a massive one in the class. We all got a piece of paper with either a plant or animal on them (one person got the sun) we got wool and made a big food web in the classroom with all of the things we’d eat and the things that would eat us. It helped us to understand how a food web works.