P5B 090617


This week was a great week đŸ™‚
In maths the Fantastic Fractions and Excellent Equations are teaming up and learning about decimals. They are really enjoying it!
The Super Subtractions are working on 24 hour time and are moving on to volume next week.
In language Readosaurus enjoyed taking part in reciprocal reading using the lion the witch and the wardrobe, Writeosuarus finished A series of Unfortunate Events and Spellosaurus continued reading Fantastic Mr Fox!

In PE, we have been practising games and activities for sports day and we cannot wait! đŸ˜€ (we are keeping our fingers crossed it will be sunny!)

As part of our flight topic we are designing and creating our very own aircrafts and are going to see how far they can fly! There is going to be a prize for the design that flies the furthest.

We are having a summer disco on the 15th of June and are very excited!

We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend đŸ™‚