P5B Blog 2205



Firstly, we would like to apologise for the delay in posting our blog! Here is an update… 🙂

In maths, the Excellent Equations have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes and are almost ready to move on! The Fantastic Fractions have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes and have been creating 3D prisms and pyramids for our maths wall. The Super Subtractions have enjoyed learning about direction and have been using the 8 compass points to help them. They have created their own set of directions and followed the directions of their classmates.

In language, Readosaurus are enjoying reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe while Spellosaurus have started reading Fantastic Mr Fox! In writing, we have been learning about the difference between similes and metaphors and have been using song lyrics to help us! We have also been using Lego to create settings (a castle) to inspire us to develop plots in our writing. It was really fun!

In art, we created silhouettes of Stirling Bridge as we had been learning about the Battle of Stirling Bridge during our Scottish Wars of Independence topic.

In ICT, we have started learning how to use Sway to make presentations on the Chrome books. On Friday we created Sway presentations on The History of Flight (which is our new topic) and we are planning to add information to these each week. 

In PE, we have continued with athletics and are finding it fun. We have also been taking part in relay races in our groups (in preparation for sports day! 🙂 )

Last week, Primary 5 were busy delivering their solo talks on their favourite authors. Everybody did a fantastic job! 🙂


Pictures to follow 🙂