P5B Blog 030317


It has been another excellent week in Crookfur Primary 🙂

We finished presenting our Renewable Energy PowerPoint’s to the class and started our new topic on The Scottish Wars of Independence! We are really excited to learn more about our new topic.

In language, we are focusing on imaginative texts and started our new and exciting reading books. In writing we looked at describing different settings using adjectives, alliteration and onomatopoeia. We came up with some fantastic descriptions!  🙂

Following on from the work we had been doing on setting, we explored and painted different landscapes in art. We look forward to displaying our work in the classroom (we will post pictures of finished work shortly… 🙂

In maths, the Fantastic Fractions are working on measure and will be calculating the area of triangles. The Excellent Equations will be exploring equivalent fractions. The Super Subtractions finished their work on Data Handling. They have been busy collecting data via surveys and using this information to make graphs which they have found fun!

 On Thursday afternoon, we were lucky enough to have a ‘Power from the People’ workshop with Generation Science. This workshop taught us all about electricity and how we can use movement to generate electricity. We played lots of fun games and were able to conduct experiments of our own. At the end, we used movement to produce electricity so that we could charge our Hex Bugs. We then had a big race with all the Hex Bugs, it was so much fun!

Primary 5B 🙂 x