Class Blog P5A Friday 6th January 2017


In P.E we played a new game called boccia. It was very fun. To play boccia, each team has either red or blue boccia balls and you have to throw or roll these balls into a hula hoop or you can use a white boccia ball instead of a hula hoop.

We have a new pupil in our class called Scott!

It was our first week back and we had to do check-ups, oh boy!

In art, we created figures using pictures of ourselves and drawings which we will put on the class door.

We have been getting back into story writing. We discussed different descriptive techniques; adjectives, adverbs, alliteration, simile and onomatopoeia.  We worked in groups to write a definition for each and then to create a sentence using the technique.  We used these techniques today to create a Christmas Elf.

We discussed Gender Equality this morning as part of our Global Goals. We carried out a survey to see the gender representation of various roles in our local community.