P5B Class Blog 04/11/16

This week primary 5 have been taking part in a Christmas card competition .We have also designed our own Christmas cards which our family will be able to purchase! We have created some fantastic designs!

We have finished our guided readers and are excited to begin our new books next week!

In maths, the fantastic fractions have been completing time word problems and also learning about the properties of triangles! We look forward to learning more about this next week.

The excellent equations have been learning how to calculate the area and perimeter of different shapes. This has been a bit tricky but we are making excellent progress.

The super subtractions have been looking at more complicated function machines and doing a fantastic job.

Today, we were lucky enough to have Mrs Parker (Oscar’s mum) come into school and take us for drama. We learned how to project our voice, follow opposite instructions and create stories using only props and our imaginations! We came up with extraordinary stories 🙂