Active Global Citizens #2

We were happy to contribute to the STV Appeal, helping children across Scotland.

We also enjoyed being part of a celebration that showed off how well we work together and our great dancing skills too!

Outdoor Classroom Day 2017

Miss Paterson registered the whole school for global Outdoor Classroom Day on Thursday 18th May.

We take part in outdoor learning throughout the year but this day was planned to be a fun way to enjoy the benefits of outdoor learning. We spent the whole morning outside with lessons in problem solving, technologies, art, talking and listening and numeracy and maths.

We came indoors for the afternoon session but stuck with the day’s theme as we created texts to share our opinions on outdoor learning.

Active Global Citizens

In the last week we’ve had a focus on global citizenship, learning about the impact we can have on other people and the world we share.

Taking part in the SEND MY FRIEND campaign we looked at similarities and differences between our school and a school in Malawi. We tried to decide what is most important for the perfect school and found it hard to choose between basic rights such as toilets, healthy food, trained teachers, safe places to play and equality for all.

“It is important that all children go to school to learn and be safe.”

“Braidbar is brilliant because all the staff are kind and treat us well.”

” We get to learn about all different topics and we have good teachers.”

” We get to play and go to lots of different clubs. Other children should get that chance too”




We did a litter pick to improve the environment for all. It looks nicer for us but is also safer for animals.

Finally, Mr Ross came to talk to us about sustainability and renewable energy.

Laura “I learned quite a lot.”

Rabiya ” I learned something new as well.”

Nathan “My dad didn’t just read out words from the board. He told us lots of other things too.”

Sophie ” I liked learning about how a windmill works.”

Noor “I learned that cow poo can be burned to heat rooms and that it doesn’t actually stink!”

Robbie and Salihah and Ben “I liked watching the video to see how giant windmills are built.”

Ramsha “Nathan’s dad made a good Powerpoint.”



Throughout the week we came together just like students, doctors and professors at university. After personal research on climate zones we had the chance to share what we had found out.

We presented a range of facts and entertained and informed in equal measure. Miss Paterson gave a star and a wish and we used ‘question or compliment’ to give each other instant feedback.

Powerpoints, posters and Kahoots were all used effectively to sum up our research. Thank you to all the family members who helped at home.


Ancient Egypt revisited

This week we took a final look at our apples that we tried to mummify a few weeks ago. Upon close and careful inspection we commented on the changes we could see and agreed that salt had best preserved the apple. Just like the special salt the ancient Egyptians used on dead bodies!

A passion for performance!



This week we have all been focusing on reading aloud with improved fluency, pace and expression. We looked at four different poems and talked about them, including clarifying some tricky words.

After some workshops in class and fantastic efforts at home we performed our favourite poem to the class.

We think we have made good progress this week and we hope that it will help us when we present our ExPLORE research to the class in the coming weeks.

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