DOFE – Parent & Carer Expedition Information

Thanks to all the parents and carers that attended the recent Parent & Carer – Expedition Information Evening on Tuesday, 31st May 2022 @ 630pm.

For those that missed the presentation the key messages were:

  1. Students are out of school on Tuesday, 14th of June to complete their practice expedition. Students should come to school for 845am ready to complete their hike. They will need plenty water, a lunch, snacks, waterproofs, a hat, sun cream, etc.
  2. The cost of the practice expedition is £8 and should be paid on Parent Pay ASAP. (There is no cost for students entitled to Free School Meals.)
  3. The assessed expedition will be on the 6th & 7th September.
  4. The cost of the practice expedition is £25 and should be paid on Parent Pay prior to the expedition date. (There is no cost for students entitled to Free School Meals.)
  5. DOFE Students must have at least 2 sections fully completed by the September expedition.  Almost all students are behind with uploading their evidence and progressing their award. The uploading of evidence will be our focus until the September expedition.
  6. For more DOFE updates, including progress on the days of our expeditions, please follow our Barrhead High DOFE Twitter account:  @Barrhead_DOFE

Further info:

DOFE Presentation: DOFE Expedition (June) Presentation 2022

Lyme’s Disease leaflet: Lymes Disease Leaflet

DOFE Expedition Kit List: Expedition_Kit_List (1)


Mr Boag

DOFE Coordinator