Category Archives: Expressive Arts

Morse Code Music

In music, we have been learning all about Grażyna Bacewicz, a famous female composer who lived in Poland during WW2. She composed her ‘Overture’ while Poland was under occupation, and weaved the morse code symbol for ‘V’ into her piece, to symbolise victory. Primary Seven have enjoyed learning about this fascinating music, and have created some morse code hidden messages of their own. Can you decode any? Here’s a clue, some of the words include: gas, tank, raid and bomb! Good luck and enjoy!

Expressive arts – Music – ukulele

Primary 5 have been learning to play the  ukulele since September. Mr Adams comes and teaches us every Wednesday. We have learned 4 chords and are trying to learn a song by Jason Mraz to perform at the Christmas Concert.

Cerys – I find the different chords quite tricky.

Jayden – I am enjoying learning an instrument

Sam J   – I was a bit nervous when we had to play during our assembly.




The BFG – Quentin Blake Style

We have been creating illustrations of the BFG – Quentin Blake Style. We used a step by step guide which was created by Quentin Blake himself. We read and followed the instructions carefully. We sketched our drawings using pencil and when we were happy with our work we went over our sketches with a black felt tip pen to make the details stand out. We used the side of our crayons to add the skin tone which gave a nice smooth effect. We enjoyed working on this project and we were delighted with our results.