Category Archives: Social Studies

Scottish Parliament

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P6 took their trip to the Scottish Parliament as part of their social studies topic on politics.  We learned all about the history of the newer Scottish Parliament as we as the longer history of Scottish politics. We also learned a lot about the design of the building and how the architects added symbolic meaning to the design. Can you spot the Saltire?

Victorian Artifacts


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Primary 6a have been looking at artifacts from the Victorian era. We discussed what the items looked like, what they could be used for and created questions about them. We were able to work out some of the answers to the questions through discussing them in a small group. We also thought about the modern day equivalents of these items. Can you guess what any of these items are used for?

Pr. 3 Assembly

Pr. 3 took part in an assembly about Numeracy and Maths. We spoke about the different ways in which we used our maths skills. Through our Social Studies topic on the Rainforest we measured the length of a typical rainforest tree, we made symmetrical butterflies and we located rainforest animals in the playground using map grid references.  We were GGGRRREAT and the assembly was enjoyed by all.
