Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

“I Can Attitude”

At the beginning of the year we all wrote down three things we could already do and one thing that we couldn’t do YET. We are hoping that when we look back on our statements at the end of the year that we can now do what we said in our final statement.






Hollie: I can do a cart wheel, a handstand and a front flip. I can’t YET swim.

Caleb: I can help, work hard and listen. I can’t YET whistle.

Let’s hope we CAN at the end of the year!


Image result for Bullying Coloring Pages

In circle time P4 have talked about bullying behaviour and the effect it has on people. They talked about the way different people would feel – the person who displayed  the bullying behaviour, the person who was the target of the bullying behaviour, the teachers , other children , the parents etc. They hope to use this information and create some literacy work from it.

Social Justice


When P4 were doing bounce back they looked at social justice. They learned that social justice was about being fair and caring for all people in the world. They discussed the different groups who try to make sure that things are fair for all people. Save the Children was mentioned as well as many other charities.

In writing the children wrote thank you letters to Mrs. Strang for the work that she does for  Save the Children and making things fair for children across many countries.

P4 looked at some  art work that represented social justice and had an interesting discussion about how they managed this. They then used the visual elements of line, shape, colour and pattern  to create their own piece of  art work  showing the image of a handshake.

Here are two of the letters by Ruby and Rhys.