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All posts by Miss Macdonald
Design Challenge
Primary 5 a were challenged to design and make an egg cup. We had to make an egg cup that could stand up and that could hold an egg. We also used our imaginations to make these wonderful, colourful creations – every one is completely different.
Amazing Handwriting
Look at our wonderful writing, we can join up our letters and make them all the right size.
Beautiful Jars
We made these jars using recycled jars we collected. We were careful and patient and added newspaper and paste, keeping it very smooth. Next some of us added a design made of pipe cleaners, then we covered it in toilet paper so that our colours would be bright. We finished them off by painting them and then varnishing them. Some people added jewels.
Big Talk
We get to take the start of a story home and we talk to someone in our family about what is happening and what we think the end is going to be. Big Talk is fun because we get a chance to talk about our ideas before we write our story in class. We like to get the start because it gives us the plot for the story.
By Cara
Gorgeous Graphs
Rainy Day Pictures
Primary 5 used their design skills to create these lovely colourful characters and then printed their backgrounds using stencils they had created.