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STEM Fortnight

P6.22 have used Theme Parks as their context for learning. They have been learning about triangulation and the importance of using triangles to create stable structures. They had great fun making theme park rides using a variety of materials.


Senses Test

As part of our senses topic we conducted an experiment testing our sight, smell and taste. We looked at the colour of the liquid and discussed what it might taste like. We thought the red one might have been strawberry or chilli. Some of us even thought it might be rotten cabbage! We then smelled the liquid and wrote what we thought it smelled like. We tasted the liquid and discussed the flavours with our group. We recorded our findings using a table.

Some of the liquids were fruit juices and others were water mixed with food colouring!

The Stroop Effect

Primary 6 enjoyed learning about the Stroop Effect. We discussed the need for our brain to set aside the word and focus on the colour of the word. Using iPads, we timed each other to say the colours as fast as we can. We identified key skills such as concentration, perseverance, confidence and having a growth mindset to tackle a challenging task and be successful. We discovered the importance of encouraging our peers and appreciating their support.

Adventure Trail

We visited Newton Mearns Baptist Church this morning to learn about the Christmas story. We took part in creative arts and craft activities, story telling and much more! The church members acted out a fantastic drama piece showing us the importance of waiting and being patient.

Splitting of Light Experiment

P6.22 were visited by the Principal Teacher of Science from Eastwood High School. They conducted an experiment where they passed a beam of white light through a glass prism. The light got split into all the colours that make up the light. This pattern of colours is called a spectrum.

P6.22 also looked at how shadows are formed and how the eye can see in colour. They were given an opportunity to ask questions throughout the lesson.