In the short week before the May Day weekend, P5.16 were hard at work learning about the respiratory system. Before the week ended we saw some excellent work displaying their newly acquired knowledge, here are a few wonderful examples!
Home Learning Activities in P5.16
Primary 5.16 have been busy adapting to home learning over the past few weeks and they have taken this change in their stride.
Pupils are continuing to complete work at their own pace and all have managed to log in to Glow and complete some of the work set which in itself is a fantastic achievement! Pupils and their families have worked hard to find a routine that they are comfortable with and many have quickly overcome technical challenges to be able to do this. A huge thank you to everyone out there who has helped P5.16 in the past few weeks!!!
Now to share some (certainly not all) of the wonderful work that has been created over the weeks!
Follow the link to see some of their wonderful work completed before the Easter holidays.
After the holiday, pupils have been busy creating their own personal project which will be completed in the week to follow.
Alongside this, they have demonstrated their wonderful writing abilities and tested their skills with technology to create impressive recounts and imaginative stories. The below pictures encaptures some of their excellent work!
To demonstrate their film making skills, they have also created their own short movies. Most of which are unfortunately too large to upload. These videos included some imaginative storytelling with family engagement and others carefully illustrated many of their wonderful talents!
This week, the pupils asked to complete another filming task and they have been creating their own PE films to challenge each other to stay active! We’ve had running, hula hoop, ball throwing and headstand challenges so far…
Hope you all enjoy your well deserved weekends!
Stay happy and healthy!
STEM Fortnight in full swing!
We have had a week full of visitors in P5.16 this week to kick off STEM fortnight. Dr Peter Hughes launched the week followed by visits from Glasgow Science Centre, SSPCA, Dr Mathur and Mr Buchan from Scottish Water.
Pupils also participated in a K’nex bridge building challenge where they had to design and create their own bridges. Pupil engineers practised their communication, perseverance and powers of negotiation to construct their final designs.
Finally to end the week pupils combined their knowledge about bearings and coding to guide there Sphero through different challenges. Possibly some future coders amongst them!
Unfortunately the videos were too big to upload!
Glasgow Resource Centre
As a reward for the pupils’ dedication to lining up nicely and entering the school quietly P5.16 we given a trip to the Glasgow Resource Centre to learn all about Egyptians!
Pupils were able to take on different roles of the Egyptian gods and even hold different artefacts from the time. Have a look at some of out favourite moments captured!
A fun day had by all!
P5.16 braved the weather today and all enjoyed a day at Whitelee Wind farm!
The class spent the day learning about renewable energy and were split into two groups to tour the wind farm.
They all then had the opportunity to become scientists and engineers and discover the mechanics behind each wind turbine. The speakers were impressed with many of the class’ predictions and answers to questions!
With a break in the weather we ventured outside for the Ranger’s investigation challenge where we learned it took 20 pupils to hug all the way around a wind turbine.
To end the day we finished with pupils revealing their inner abstract art talents.
A great day spent as part of the class’ Irresistible Curriculum this term!
Two weeks back already!
Two weeks back and P5.16 have been busy…
Firsts off performing their class assembly on Celebrating Scotland’s culture, all the classes’ creativity and hard work definitely paid off with their performances running to perfection!
The class have been busy learning their poems, song and dancing ready for Burns night next week.
This week the class also started learning about the digestive system and set up their first experiment today to find out what effect different drinks might have on their teeth, predictions are in, now we need to wait a few days for our findings!
Holiday time is here!
Another great and busy week in 5.16.
Pupils performed beautifully at the Christmas service singing Holidays all Around the World. In addition to our class song the choir were wonderful too!
All week we have been learning from each other during presentations about pupil’s inspirational people from Marie Curie to Greta Thunberg and many, many more! Well done to everyone who presented, clearly a lot of hard work went in to this both in school and at home!
On Thursday we also had our Christmas party, where some were determined to win prizes with a lot of success!
Finally we ended today with sharing who our ‘secret Santa’ from the 1st of December was. All pupils have being trying to do nice deeds for that person throughout the month in Secret. Pupils made cards for each other, helped in the classroom, gave compliments and the occasional treat throughout the whole month!
A big thank you again to my secret Santa who managed to deliver many a kind gesture to my desk without being detected!
Merry Christmas everyone!
A huge congratulations to a pupil in 5.16 that has achieved a great personal achievement in completing her reading of the Quran!
Well done!
Christmas Fayre preparations from P5.16
This week we’ve had great fun making sock snowmen for the Christmas Fayre!
Lovely creations from working in pairs. Many hands made light work!
Sounds and Waves
This week we used wire coat hangers and string for our sound investigation. We worked in pairs to bang the hanger off the table. We each held the end of a piece of string that was attached to the hanger and we could hear the sound quite quietly. When we wrapped the string around our fingers and then placed our fingers in our ears the sound was much louder.
Following this, we took turns individually, held onto both pieces of string and placed our fingers in our ears. The sound was even louder it sounded like ‘booongg’.
We watched a video on how vibrations make sounds for example when we sing our vocal cords vibrate and create a sound.