Monthly Archives: September 2020

Story Maps

Last week in class we were designing our own maps for a story for next lesson! We discussed what characters, setting and structure for our maps. First we did our rough sketch on our whiteboards then our jotters as well as discussing characters and settings such as desert or forests. We brainstormed ideas with are partners for our stories and final decision.

We then took a sheet of card, some coloured tissue paper and scrap paper. We then drew out the islands/setting and coloured it in. We then made it 3D with our glue, scissors, tissue, scrap paper and our colouring tools like pencils. We made accessories such as palm trees, dinosaurs, volcanoes and boats! We all enjoyed this very much! I am very excited for when we write out our story.  

I am hoping more of our writing lessons will be similar to this as it was very fun!!!!!

Written by Finlay, Sam and Divdaras.