Outdoor problem solving

This afternoon we enjoyed our first outdoor learning session with Mrs Kelly, although the persistent rain meant we all came back inside a little wetter than we went out!

We took part in some warm up games to help us listen to each other and worked in teams to create words using lettered stones before tackling our problem of the day.

Here are some photos of us playing the games and solving the magic square problem together.

Our Planet

In school for second term we have been learning about the planet Earth and the great Pacific garbage patch. To showcase our learning we made some posters, pictures, raps and more. We have learned about gyres and how plastic ends up in the ocean. It is twice the size of Texas and three times the size of France!!!

See the source image

If plastic is dropped or blows away it ends up in the ocean. This is not good as it can pollute the ocean and animals may mistake the rubbish for food. Approximately the great pacific garbage patch has 80,000 tons of plastic in it!!! It covers 1.6 million square kilometres!

See the source image

Gyres keep waste circling in the ocean.

See the source image

By Erin and Anu

Sky Song

In class we are reading a book called Sky Song by Abi Elphinstone it is all about a girl called Eska and she was kidnapped by an evil ice queen .So far the book is very interesting so far we made some predictions about what will happen next some of us thought that Eska ‘s  friend Flints tribe would save her but some of thought Flints tribe would accept her. We also made our own maps & book covers!

We finally got our new book the news ones are so detailed and really nice it is the exact same book but a new cover. Here are them compared:

We do questions every week on the book we are on chapter 12 & 13 here’s a picture . We also do sequencing here’s a picture . We also do Fact retrieval & word analysis.


By Ella and Erin

Story Maps

Last week in class we were designing our own maps for a story for next lesson! We discussed what characters, setting and structure for our maps. First we did our rough sketch on our whiteboards then our jotters as well as discussing characters and settings such as desert or forests. We brainstormed ideas with are partners for our stories and final decision.

We then took a sheet of card, some coloured tissue paper and scrap paper. We then drew out the islands/setting and coloured it in. We then made it 3D with our glue, scissors, tissue, scrap paper and our colouring tools like pencils. We made accessories such as palm trees, dinosaurs, volcanoes and boats! We all enjoyed this very much! I am very excited for when we write out our story.  

I am hoping more of our writing lessons will be similar to this as it was very fun!!!!!

Written by Finlay, Sam and Divdaras.

World Ocean Day

Primary 5.16 spent yesterday learning about World Ocean day, completing tasks across curricular areas and using the WWF website to learn about oceans and some of our current difficulties that exist in the high sea.

As an additional and optional task, many pupils put their drawing skills to the test and created their own illustrations of some magnificent sea creatures.

Excellent artwork!

Victorian Toys and Games

For the last few weeks before the end of term, P5.16 have come up with lots of exciting ideas they would like to learn about. One of which was to find out more about what toys and games Victorian children played with. Pupils research for photographs of Victorian toys and described how to play with them before presenting their information in their own Google Slides document.


Scottish Animal Fact Files

P5.16 put their research and digital skills to the test again and created wonderful Scottish animal fact files! Here are a few examples of their work, there were so many interesting fact files to choose from it was very hard to pick which ones to share.

They worked very hard to research and include interesting fun facts about different animals making these fact files and interesting and informative read!


Train Travel Poetry writing

Inspired by  The Little Train of the Caipira, a piece of music written by Heitor Villa Lobos and under the direction of Simon Mole, P5.16 created their own poems describing a train journey of their own. Watch the videos to see two wonderful examples of their work!

Impressive work again P5.16!

Scottish Food!

Nearing the end of our learning focus, all about Scotland, P5.16 have been putting their cooking and baking skills to the test. Look at some of their lovely creations!


Some pupils even made their baking challenge into a Zoom bake-off with another family member!



Others opted for a savory cooking challenge and made some tasty potato scones!

We may have some future chefs amongst us!

Retelling the Parable ‘The Lost Sheep’

Last week the pupils learned how to record audio over a PowerPoint. This was very tricky however many pupils managed this and created some exceptional pieces of work adapting and enthusiastically retelling the Christian parable, The Lost Sheep. The following videos illustrate how three pupils retold the story in different ways.

One pupil even managed to record her story in time to a short animation of the story, this was especially tricky to get the timing right but as I’m sure you’ll agree they did an excellent job!