Category Archives: Maths

Outdoor problem solving….to indoor tree making

The weather was not on our side today. It drizzled fairly heavily the whole time we were out before lunch, but it didn’t dampen our spirits and we tackled our given problem with great enthusiasm.

It was an indoor lunch which meant it was just too wet to head outside in the afternoon for more outdoor learning. Instead we stayed indoors and worked on creating a mini Christmas tree using sticks collected outside. We were very lucky to have some experts in the class who had made these trees before. Erin was fabulous at showing everyone how to construct them and we had lots of other eager helpers assisting those who were finding the knot tying a little tricky too.



safety, orienteering and problem solving in the snow

Despite the cold, wet weather we ventured out and took a stroll through the wood making sure we focused on safety the whole way. We warned everyone about risks as we came across them (fallen trees, jaggy holly, puddles, roots etc)

After that we worked in teams to practise some orienteering skills finding numbered cones around the snowy grass. Teamwork was really important and we had to stick together to work with each other and make sure we found the cones in the correct order.

It then got a bit wet so we decided to head back indoors. On the way back inside inside there was a special request to make snowmen….it was a little wet for that so we had a competition to see which team could make the biggest snowball instead!

After lunch we ventured out again and worked on a logic problem using the snowballs to help us picture the problem. Again the weather stopped us from staying out the whole time so we finished off sharing our strategies to solve the problem back inside.

Outdoor problem solving

This afternoon we enjoyed our first outdoor learning session with Mrs Kelly, although the persistent rain meant we all came back inside a little wetter than we went out!

We took part in some warm up games to help us listen to each other and worked in teams to create words using lettered stones before tackling our problem of the day.

Here are some photos of us playing the games and solving the magic square problem together.

Outdoor Learning – 3D Shapes

Last week we built 3D shapes using branches, sticks and string.  We worked in groups and were given the materials that we available to us to use.

Most groups were given the same items however, one group only had pegs to join the corners together.  This made the task very difficult.

All groups successfully made a 3D shape…except from the group with limited materials.  Mrs James explained that she planned this on purpose in order that we could discuss fairness and equality.  This links in with our topic of the Right’s of a Child.


On Monday we used our knowledge of 3D shapes and their properties to create nets for 3D shapes.  We used chalk and Loose Parts to draw them.  We worked with a partner or in a group of three to create our diagrams.